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You are Invited to a freespeech discussion, re: IMC "hiding" of articles which moderators despise/fear (pros/cons)

The discussion is considered "old" in this milieu, but I maintain that there are points that many have missed. The subject was recently brought up again in an anarchist domain outside of the IMCs (link provided). From there, I took the points raised (including my own) to many IMCs across the country. And some people are getting back into it. Includes quotes by Chomsky on when one is actually in favor of free speech.
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non-IMC domain link:
(scroll down to discussion below article)

Urbana-Champaign IMC link (to main discussion):

Other links of this topic are desired!(please post here or at link)

The main points I make are that the IMC way of doing things is *reproducing the reigning social order* by accepting a value system that must, basically, "protect via restriction" instead of *protecting via enrichment*.

Enrichment strategies like sustaining efforts to teach intellectual self-defense and solidarity with humanity.

Teaching *intellecutal self-defense* so that people can learn to think and question in ways that fit in with their desires.

Proving our claims of *solidarity with humanity* so that more people, especially those who feel the unbearable weight of exclusion and perpetual war, begin to *realize the value* of seeking understanding, empathy, and contexts to hysteria, venting, and warlike behavior and beliefs.

In these ways, sustainable community is pioneered.

The question at base is, do the maintainers of the IMC projects wish to play games (like everyone else), where grand claims are made, but in practice, bring the same old b.s.?

Many DESIRE to go further, but haven't seemed to have come up with ways in which to both escape the treachery that attacking ideologues try to foment, and as well, keep ahold of the basic principles which lead us to put our liberty (and, sometimes, lives) on the line.

Yet there ARE strategies available. Some are being discussed at the links provided. Please join the discussion!!!!!!

My hat is off to the IMC project so far. I honor this project! And I put my art into it as a conscious effort to build the IMC dream. And though I have seen b.s. on the part of IMC moderators from time to time, I realize that we are all products of our social conditioning; that we all have blindspots. But even so, I have not yet seen a more constructive project on the Net; one that even tho it is still so far from its potential, is f-ing EXCELLENT for these times.



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