Dear Collegues, Associates and Readers,
With a Special thanks to the Militant Artists, we are proud to sponsor an event in Solidarity with the Independance Forces in Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan. We would appreciate it if your esteemed organizations and personages would kindly endorse this. We would be honored if your various organizations and personage had statements to the Popular Forces in the US for this event. Also, we would like to offer our support for " twinning up" with those holding Pro-Resistance Demonstrations and/or Events on the Weekend of March 20th. We request that your esteemed organization submit their various text documents, and photos to us so we can add them to our website in hopes of building Pro-Resistance Popular Forces in the US, and around the world.
Event in Solidarity with Anti-Occupation Resistance
March 19, 2004 7PM
1914 E. Burnside St. Portland, Oregon
Sponsored by the “Militant Artists”, and with a Special Appearance by the West Coast Band “Riot Cop”.
-1st anniversary of the formalization of the currant aggression against the people of Iraq and their collective right to self-determination
-For building, maintaining, and co-ordination of Pro-Resistance Popular Forces in the US, and around the world -Solidarity with Iraqi Resistance, including ARMED RESISTANCE!!!
-Solidarity with the Militarization of the Intifadah in ARAB Palestine, study course on the 1967 Palestinian Charter, and a call for rejecting the Zionist Entity's “right to exist"!!! -Solidarity with the Independence Forces in Afghanistan -The Gun as Primary Mode in an Era of Fierce Anti-Imperialist Class Struggle!!!
- Unity can only exist within principled parameters: On the need to Kick Out Pro-US sentiment and Zionism in our movements, as well as updates on efforts at rejecting Normalization of relations with the Zionist Enemy
-On the Anti-“globalization” movement and Iraq. -Red/Green Unity of Worker-Based Leftist Forces and Islamic Resistance for a Popular Front Against Imperialism and Zionism!!!
A Copy of the Flier can be found at:
Iraqi Resistance Report:
Updated News Reports Compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr , from the Editorial Board of the Free Arab Voice.
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 1 February 2004 through
Wednesday, 4 February 2004. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad
Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Sunday, 1 February 2004. `Id al-Adha.
One US occupation soldier was killed and 12 others wounded on Sunday
evening in a rocket attack on an American base in the area of Balad,
75km from Baghdad. A US military occupation spokesman said that at
least seven Iraqi Resistance rockets were fired on the base. The
wounded were taken to a field hospital belonging to the unit, the 4th
Infantry Division. The spokesman said that two of those wounded in
the attack are in critical condition, but five received only light
wounds and the rest were treated and released, according to the US
statement. The US aggressor spokesman said that an American
helicopter gunship responded to the attack by firing at what was
believed to be the source of the rockets. Later US occupation troops
rounded up 12 Iraqi men and four women.
Elsewhere in Iraq, one US occupation soldier was killed Sunday and
two others hurt when their Humvee overturned near the town of
Hadithah, according to the US occupation authorities.
Also on Sunday the British Ministry of Defence announced that one
British occupation soldier functioning as part of the 35th Engineers
Battalion stationed in al-Basrah had been killed on Saturday. Islam
memo quoted the US propaganda radio station Radio Sawa as saying that
the British announcement gave no further details of the death apart
from observing that the soldier's death was related to the nature of
engineering work.
In another delayed death announcement, the US occupation announced
Sunday that one American soldier had died on Saturday of wounds
received several days ago in a roadside bomb blast west of Baghdad. A
US military occupation statement quoted by Reuters, said that the
soldier, who was attached to a special force was wounded on Tuesday,
27 January 2004, in a powerful Resistance attack.
Two Iraqi Resistance martyrdom bombers struck the Irbil offices of
two collaborationist Kurdish chauvinist parties in near-simultaneous
attacks Sunday in an attack marking the Islamic Feast of
Sacrifice `Id al-Adha. At least 57 people were killed and more than
235 were wounded, officials said. One collaborationist
Kurdish "minister" in the US-installed and US-run puppet "interim
government" said the death toll could top 100.
The Iraqi Resistance martyrdom attacks at the Irbil offices of the
chauvinist so-called Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP, which is led by
Mas`ud al-Barzani) and the chauvinist Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
(PUK, which is led by Jalal at-Talibani) occurred as party leaders
were receiving hundreds of visitors to mark the start of the four-day
Muslim holiday, `Id al-Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice. Iraqi
officials in the US-controlled regime said that some of the top
Kurdish chauvinist leaders were greeting people when the attacker
approached them and detonated the explosives strapped around his
body. The second attack took place at about the same time in the PUK
office across town, PUK spokesman Kazim `Ali said. Several people
were killed and injured in the PUK attack, he said. Irbil houses the
Kurdish so-called parliament. Under US-imperial aerial protection
since 1991, and then under the US occupation since the spring of
2003, Iraqi Kurdish chauvinist parties, have `ruled' a Switzerland-
sized swath of northern Iraq on behalf of western interests. Talibani
and Barzani both sit on the US-appointed puppet so-called Interim
Governing Council presided over by L. Paul Bremer, US Proconsul of
The dead included the puppet governor of the region, ministers in the
local puppet administration and several senior officials, Muhammad
Ihsan, the so-called "minister for human rights" for the Kurdish
chauvinist regional government, told The Associated Press. "There are
a tremendous number of injured," Ihsan said, adding that the targeted
sites were the parties' branch offices, about eight miles apart.
The high ranking dead include Irbil puppet governor Akram Mintik,
puppet deputy prime minister Sami `Abd ar-Rahman, puppet minister of
council of ministers affairs Shawkat Shaykh Yazdin, and puppet
agriculture minister Sa`d `Abdullah who is also a politbureau member
of the KDP, Ihsan said. Al-Jazeera TV's correspondent said that
Shakhwan `Abbas, the man in charge of the Irbil branch of the PUK was
also among the dead.
A state of emergency was declared in the Kurdish area, and doctors
have been asked to return from vacation. An urgent appeal has been
issued to residents to donate blood.
Irbil city morgue director Tawana Karim told the AP that 57 bodies
had been brought to the morgue and "figures are increasing." At least
235 people were admitted to the city's three hospitals with injuries,
medical sources said. "These figures are estimates but I believe
about 60 people were killed at the PUK and about 80 at the KDP.
"On the first day of the `Id we receive people and well wishers and
that's why security wasn't as tight as during the rest of the days.
They (the Iraqi Resistance) took advantage of this."
The attack also was believed to have been the first in which the
martyrdom fighters wired bombs to themselves and detonated them while
on foot, akin to the suicide attacks by Palestinian fedayeen in
occupied Palestine. There have been a multitude of martydom car
bombings in Iraq.
Abu Ghurayb, site of a US-run concentration camp, east of the city of
al-Fallujah came under Iraqi Resistance mortar attack on Sunday. Eye
witnesses said that they heard six explosions and saw clouds of smoke
rising from inside the prison compound after a number of mortar
rounds crashed into the area, aimed at the US occupation troops
stationed there.
The witnesses, quote by the Qatari news agency Qana, said that the
American occupation troops returned fire and that the exchange of
fire continued for some time. The witnesses reported that as a
result of the exchange of shells, a number of cars driving on the
highway were damaged.
An Iraqi puppet police official announced Sunday that an Iraqi
Resistance attack on a puppet police patrol in Kirkuk, 255km north of
Baghdad, left four puppet policemen wounded. Puppet police Colonel
Khattar `Abdallah `Arif said that Resistance fighters had thrown a
hand grenade at a puppet police patrol in the al-`Urubah neighborhood
in the east of Kirkuk.
On Sunday, about 20 Iraqis were killed in an explosion at a munitions
dump in the Polish-controlled south-central region of the country,
according to a spokesman for Polish occupation forces. The blast
occurred after midnight in the desert about 112 miles southwest of
Karbala' after Iraqis broke into the munitions storage site, Polish
military occupation spokesman Colonel Robert Strzelecki told the
Polish news agency PAP. Strzelecki said it was unclear what caused
the blast. The dump, formerly used by the Army of the Republic of
Iraq, before the US invasion, consists of about 100 bunkers spread
over a wide area and contained munitions such as artillery shells and
rockets, he told PAP.
Late on Saturday a two blasts ripped into the predominantly
Palestinian residential neighborhood of al-Baladiyat in Baghdad. The
first blast, (reported in the Iraqi Resistance Report for 29 through
31 January 2004) killed four Palestinian refugees and one Iraqi
visitor and wounded five others, witnesses said.
Later a second blast in the same neighborhood took the life of one
more Palestinian. Relatives said one man died on the way to hospital
from shrapnel wounds sustained in the explosion. "We heard the blast
and saw that the deceased was missing," said `Ali Muzan. "He died on
the way to the hospital."
Residents of the neighborhood of al-Baladiyat on Sunday carried the
bodies of the four Palestinians in coffins draped in Palestinian
flags from a mosque to their homes before taking them to a cemetery
for burial. Some young men in the funeral procession fired rifles in
the air, a traditional Arab gesture. Although it was not known who
fired the mortar, angry mourners blamed the United States.
Many women in the procession sobbed. Men chanted "Allahu Akbar!",
or "God is Greatest!", "America is the enemy of God!" and "A martyr
is God's beloved!"
Two of the dead - Ihsan Husayn, 40, and his son, Ahmad Husayn, 18 -
were hit in the head by shrapnel that went through the windows of
their apartment, said the elder Husayn's sister, Fatimah Husayn. A
third victim was 18-year-old Sami `Abbas, said his mother
Zahriyah `Abd ar-Rahman. The identities of the other two people
killed were not immediately known.
Early on Sunday, US undersecretary of defense, Paul Wolfowitz, a
notorious neo-conservative and Zionist whose sister lives in occupied
Palestine, arrived on a previously secret trip to Iraq. The US
official, a major architect of US-Zionist aggression on the Arab
Nation, arrived by plane from Germany where he had been visiting US
servicemen due to be deployed here in a major troop rotation that
poses security headaches for the American military. The Pentagon
claims that the biggest turnover since World War II will reduce the
US troop presence in Iraq by spring 2004 to 105,000 from 130,000. On
the other hand, many logistical, supply, and other functions of the
US military are being transferred to "civilian" contractors who will,
in effect allow the combat strength of the aggressor forces to stay
high, or perhaps even increase.
It was said that Wolfowitz would join US occupation troops in
watching television coverage of the American commercial sporting
event, the American football "superbowl." The location and details
of Wolfowitz's itinerary were kept secret by the invader forces out
of fear of the relentless and powerful Iraqi Resistance. During
Wolfowitz's last visit to Baghdad in October, Resistance fighters
fired rockets at the hotel where he was staying, killing one US
occupation soldier and wounding more than 15 people.
In keeping with the changes that US occupation forces are planning in
an attempt to reduce their losses in dead and wounded, officials in
the occupation said on Sunday that the US was planning to reduce its
visible presence in the city of Baghdad in coming months as they move
to the perimeter of the city, leaving responsibility for security in
the occupied Iraqi capital to puppet security forces trained and run
by the American invaders. This type of deployment, also followed by
Zionist occupation forces in Palestine, facilitates continued control
of the city and ready access to it, but reduces opportunities for
Resistance fighters to attack within the urban setting where people
and buildings provide support and cover for patriots.
US occupation forces are subjected to daily Iraqi Resistance attacks
and the large and visible US headquarters in the Republican Palace,
renamed the "Green Zone" by the invaders, has frequently been a
target of mortar and rocket attacks. To try to escape this
relentless pressure from the Resistance, US Brigadier General Martin
Dempsey, commander of the 1st Armored Division, said that his
division was building six base camps on the outskirts of Baghdad to
which they plan to move the 1st Cavalry "so that when our successors
came in behind us they would be on the outside [of Baghdad] looking
in. We were very much on the inside looking out," Brigadier General
Martin Dempsey, commander of the 1st Armored Division, spoke to
reporters together with visiting aggressor Paul Wolfowitz.
Dempsey said that when he took command in July there were 60 base
camps through the city. "It comes along with sandbags, concrete
barriers, concertina [barbed] wire, and it just causes a lot of
disruption that we are beyond now," he said. "So we'll be on the
perimeter of the city."
Currently there are 24 base camps in Baghdad, a number which is to
fall to eight by May. Two of those camps are still to be in the so-
called Green Zone, headquarters area of the US occupation, which is
under heavy fortification, protection, and guard.
Monday, 2 February 2004.
The number of dead from Sunday's martyrdom attacks on the two Kurdish
chauvinist collaboration party headquarters in Irbil rose on Monday
to 67 as several of the approximately 200 injured persons died of
their wounds, according to new findings announced by medical sources.
The director of Irbil Hospital, Muzaffar Habib told Agence France
Presse (AFP) that 58 corpses were brought to the hospital. Two
persons died while under treatment in the hospital raising that total
to 60. Meanwhile the Director of the University Hospital in Irbil,
Dr. Salah `Abdallah, for his part said, "we received 51 wounded, of
whom seven died today, Monday morning."
Honduras' defense minister Federico Baribi announced Monday that
Tegucigalpa will be replacing its forces in Iraq, starting today, 2
February 2004. Honduran troops are being rotated at the same time
that Washington is rotating its much larger occupation force in
occupied Iraq. Islammemo quoted an Associated Press dispatch as
saying that Baribi announced that the first contingent of 185
Honduran troops who had been carried out patrols in an-Najaf streets
would arrive home on Monday, having departed Iraq on Friday after
having spent six months serving the United States occupation of
Iraq. The remaining 238 Honduran troops are to go home to their
Central American country in the next two weeks. A new brigade is
scheduled to arrive in Baghdad in the current week. The Honduran
base in the city of an-Najaf has been struck twice by mortar shells,
but occupation authorities claim that no casualties resulted from
those attacks. Four Honduran troops have been reported wounded,
however, in other incidents.
Dutch diplomatic sources report that they expect the Netherlands'
diplomats attached to the Dutch embassy in Baghdad to continue
working in the occupied Iraqi capital for the present. They will
not, however, be working out of their own embassy building because it
sustained heavy damage in a rocket attack last week. Holland Radio
reported that the embassy building is still sealed and no information
has been released regarding the investigation surrounding the
attack. A Dutch newspaper, the NRC Handelsblad, reported Saturday on
the authority of an unnamed embassy source that all the embassy staff
left the building before the attack because they received a warning
one hour prior to the rocket barrage, giving them time to evacuate.
The Iraqi puppet police announced on Monday that US occupation forces
and the puppet police had arrested five Iraqis, three of whom were
suspected of involvement in the explosion on Saturday that left three
US occupation soldiers dead near Kirkuk.
Special Report: al-Jazeera interviews Imam of Abu Hanifah Mosque in
Shaykh Ahmad Hasan at-Tah, prominent member of the Board of
Muslim `Ulama' of Iraq and of the Council of Islamic Juridical
Consultation (Majlis al-Ifta') praised efforts by Sunni and Shi`i
religious leaders to strengthen the unity of the Iraqi people in
confrontation with calls for sectarian dissention and violence.
Their joint support for national unity has had a positive effect on
the street, the Shaykh told al-Jazeera in an interview, and has
prevented the situation from getting out of control in the current
difficult conditions.
At-Tah, who is also Imam of the Abu Hanifah Mosque in Baghdad, one of
the most important Sunni mosques in the Iraqi capital, said that
there are those who are trying to shake the Iraqi people's unity in
the ranks. "Reliable witnesses have seen an American soldier paste a
portrait of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein over a portrait of
[the Shiite] Imam as-Sadr in al-Jihad neighborhood. This is an
action that can have dangerous repercussions in terms of stirring up
confessionalist conflict."
In his interview with Al-Jazeera.net, the Shaykh rejected the idea
that religious leaders were responsible for sectarian violence and
terror, stressing that: "The violent people are those who attack and
occupy the country. The terrorist is the person who ravages the
sanctity of homes, who handcuffs men, and steals people's
belongings." He said that most of the occupation troops steal
jewelry and any other valuable items they find during house
raids. "This has become a commonplace that everybody talks about."
The Shaykh said that international law grants people the right to
defend their land and to expel an occupier. "Therefore the `Ulama'
[Islamic religious leaders] call on the citizens of Iraq to defend
themselves, their honor, and their wealth, with whatever means are
available. There is no law on earth that prohibits people from doing
In answer to the charge that mosques have become a venue for
political appeals, Shaykh at-Tah said that Islam is a way of life
that does not differentiate between politics, law, and personal
status. Therefore it is not appropriate for mosques to ignore such
things. He said that this charge is made by secularists who are
trying to use every possible means to force Islam out of people's
lives, in particular out of government, and to limit it just to
performing prayers.
The Shaykh pointed out that the mosques played a pioneering role in
guarding national unity, in calming the people and in preventing many
of them from getting out of hand after the fall of the former regime
and the entry of the occupation forces and the collapse of security
as a result of the disappearance of central authority.
He said that the Board of `Ulama', despite its limited resources, has
great authoritative moral influence among the Sunnis, and it has
striven to reduce difficulties for people. It encourages people of
good will to form welfare associations, and these have played a big
role in alleviating human suffering for a large number of Iraqis.
Shaykh Ahmad at-Tah pointed out that before he became a member of the
General Secretariat of the Board of `Ulama', he was a vice president
of a welfare association outside the capital Baghdad where he served
16,000 persons.
Shaykh at-Tah called on Iraqis to reconcile and stand in one rank
against the occupier, "for it is by unity that Iraqis can defy the
Tuesday, 3 February 2004.
A spokesman for the US occupation announced that one American
occupation soldier was killed and one other wounded Tuesday evening
when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on a road in the village of al-
Iskandariyah 35 miles south of Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired two rockets at US-occupied Saddam
International Airport near Baghdad at 6:15am local time, according to
the American military occupation. The US invaders said that there
were no casualties as a result of the Resistance attack but offered
no information on possible damage that the rockets might have
caused. The US invaders have turned Saddam International Airport
into one of their major bases in the greater Baghdad area.
A US aggressor spokesman who did not give his name said that the
rockets were launched from a densely populated area of the capital.
He said that the US occupation command sent military forces to comb
the area, but that helicopters could not take off due to thick fog
hanging over the airport. He gave no further information.
In Kirkuk, 255km north of Baghdad, the Iraqi Resistance fired
Katyusha rockets at an American occupation base. The attack came
shortly after visiting aggressor, the US deputy secretary of defense
Paul Wolfowitz held a meeting with Kurdish, Turkoman, and Arab
collaborationist leaders from the region. The Iraqi puppet police
attempted to apprehend the Resistance fighters who fired the rockets
but they shot an Iraqi civilian to death instead.
The Iraqi Resistance forces also attacked an Iraqi puppet police
station in Kirkuk, killing one puppet policeman and wounding two
other puppets and one passerby
A spokesman for the Iraqi puppet police in the city of Karbala'
reported on Tuesday that three puppet policemen were killed on Monday
night in an Iraqi Resistance attack near the city. Rahman Mishawi
said that the Resistance fighters, riding in a red BMW opened fire on
a puppet police pickup truck in an area 30km north of Karbala'. He
confirmed that the three puppet policemen were killed and that the
gunfire caused the pickup to burst into flame when the bullets struck
the fuel tank.
There has been an attempt on the life of Iraqi puppet police
Brigadier General `Abbas al-Husayni, commander of Iraqi puppet police
in the city of Karbala'. Iraqi Resistance forces opened fire on his
motorcade as it was heading to the city of an-Najaf. According to
Qana, the Qatari news agency, al-Husayni survived the attack, but
three of his bodyguards were killed.
The Iraqi puppet police have announced that the US occupation forces
failed in an attempt on Tuesday to arrest the Vice Chairman of the
Iraqi Revolution Command Council `Izzat Ibrahim ad-Duri, in an
operation they carried out in Mosul, 370km north of Baghdad. Puppet
police Lieutenant Haqqi Isma`il al-Hamadani reported that the US
aggressors raided the house of Shaykh Jum`ah ad-Duwwar in the as-
Sumud neighborhood west of Mosul. Shaykh ad-Duwwar was able to elude
the aggressor forces by escaping through a back door, but the
invaders captured two of the Shaykh's sons instead. US occupation
forces did not confirm this report.
US occupation forces captured two Iraqis in Tikrit after finding an
explosive device on the road that an American occupation convoy was
about to take. The commander of the 1st Armored Division in Iraq,
Martin Dempsey, said that the Iraqi puppet police had arrested two
persons – one of whom they believe to be Iranian, the other Afghani –
who were attempting to put a bomb on a road.
In Kirkuk the Iraqi puppet police arrested for local men on the
charge that they opened fire at a checkpoint in the city, killing a
puppet policeman and wounding three other people, according to the
provincial puppet police commander, Lieutenant General of the puppet
police Shayrgo Shakir Hakim who spoke to Agence France Presse (AFP).
Hakim said that two of the men were from Kirkuk and the other two
from Tikrit. After their arrest, he said, they confessed to firing
at the checkpoint. Hakim said that three of the men were members of
the Arab Ba`th Socialist Party and one of Saddam's Fedayeen. On
Monday one puppet policeman was killed and two others wounded along
with a passer by.
On Tuesday a Japanese government Boeing 747 took off from an air
field on the Japanese island of Hokkaido en route for US-occupied
Iraq carrying the first contingent of a reported 600 Japanese
aggressor infantry. The Japanese occupation troops are to serve the
United States by helping to try to suppress the Iraqi people's
liberation struggle. They are to be stationed in the southern part
of occupied Iraq in the area of as-Samawah. The full contingent is
expected to be in place before the end of March.
The first contingent of Japanese aggressor troops includes 90
military engineers and doctors. It is to remain for some days in
Kuwait to overcome jet lag and acclimatize before moving out to as-
Samawah where since 19 January a group of 40 Japanese advance guard
reconnaisance forces have been preparing the quarters for the rest of
the unit.
Meanwhile a spokesman for the Honduran Ministry of Defense,
Lieutenant Colonel Rafael Morino, announded that the first contingent
of 180 Honduran occupation soldiers has departed for Iraq on an
airplane chartered by the US occupation. The full complement of
Honduran soldiers is to total 370, including 11 women. They are to
replace the 1st Honduran Brigade that has been deployed in occupied
Iraq since August 2003 serving the United States in repressing the
Iraqi people's liberation struggle. The Honduran replacements are to
be a component in the so-called multinational troops, a unit made up
of troops from Honduras, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, and
Spain under US invader command.
The death toll in the weekend double martyrdom bombings in the
northern Iraqi city of Irbil climbed to 101, according to a statement
by the US occupation issued on Tuesday.
Sources: al-Arab al-Yawm daily newspaper, Amman, Jordan, Wednesday, 4
February 2004.
Wednesday, 4 February 2004.
An Iraqi Resistance explosive device detonated at 9:15am local time
Wednesday as a British occupation patrol was passing along a road
near the airport of the city of al-Basrah. The occupied airport is
one of three main British aggressor bases in the area. The
occupation forces reported the bombing but claimed there were no
casualties. British occupation forces sealed off the area after the
Iraqi Resistance fighters opened fire with mortars on US invaders
near the western Iraqi town of ar-Ramadi. The US occupation troops
responded with high explosive artillery fire, which wounded two Iraqi
civilians. A spokesman for the US military occupation reported the
incident Wednesday and added that five houses and two vehicles were
also damaged, but refused to confirm whether the casualties were
wounded by American fire or mortar shrapnel.
US occupation forces killed a nine-year-old Iraqi boy and wounded his
mother on Tuesday near Kirkuk according to the American aggressor
commander in the area, Colonel William Mayville, who claimed that the
killing was an "accident."
The US officer said during a meeting with the commander of puppet
police in the area, Major General Shayrgo Shakir Hakim and the deputy
governor Isma`il al-Hadidi, "it was a mistake when our forces in
Kirkuk fired a mortar on areas lying 10 kilometers south of Kirkuk.
We believed that they were `terrorist positions."
Agence France Presse (AFP) reported that during the meeting the US
occupation officer added that "one of the shells fell by mistake near
a family killing the boy and wounding his mother and brother." He
said, "an investigation has been opened and will hold the soldiers
who launched the mortar shells responsible." He said "I have
authorized Isma`il al-Hadidi and Major General Shayrgo to visit the
family to convey our apologies and to give them US$2,500 for the
killing of the child and US$1,500 for those who were wounded."
In Madrid, the Spanish Defense Ministry has announced the death of
Major Gonzalo Perez Garcia, security chief for the Spanish-Latin
American Plus Ultra brigade in the US-led occupation, who was wounded
in the head in an Iraqi Resistance attack on 22 January 2004. Perez
(42) was flown back to Spain unconscious after the attack. There he
was admitted to a military hospital where his condition rapidly
deteriorated on Wednesday. Spanish surgeons had been unable to
remove the bullet from Perez's brain who was never able to regain
Sources in the al-Basrah Governorate have revealed a big financial
scandal in a large branch of an occupied Iraqi bank. The sources say
that about 500 million counterfeit Iraqi dinars have been substituted
for genuine currency during the change of currency from the pre-
invasion Iraqi currency to the occupation currency – a switchover
that was accomplished by 15 January.
Islammemo reports that the BBC correspondent in al-Basrah says that
the matter is currently being investigated, particularly inasmuch as
it has been learned that persons close to one of the members of the
US-puppet so-called Interim Governing Council of Iraq and influential
persons in the puppet so-called milistry of finance were involved in
the scandal.
Message posted on the al-Basrah website:
By Dr. Fadel Badran.
On week ago the heroic Resistance attacked an American convoy on the
road to al-Hillah, thinking that the number of American troop
transport vehicles was small. But after dealing with the target and
overcoming it, there immediately appeared new and larger vehicles.
At first the Resistance fighters believed that they had fallen into a
trap but with the help of the Almighty, they overcame one of the
vehicles that was carrying munitions and it exploded on the whole
rest of the convoy. The proud Iraqi fighters finished off the
remaining enemy personnel as they scurried from the vehicles.
But the matter did not end there. The Resistance fighters followed
up on the results of their barrage on an American camp set up in a
phosphate factory near al-Musayyib.
And here comes something really new!
Thanks to God they discovered dozens of dead American thugs who had
been buried in graves that had not been completely covered. They
were left naked so that there would be no sign or insignia on them to
indicate that they were American thugs.
All that we ask is that the US press be informed of this so that they
might go to the place and check it out for themselves. The people of
the area know the place. It's the chemical materials factory that
was a camp for the American thugs near al-Musayyib.
Allahu Akbar!
2. Arab Socialist Coalition of North America:Open Letter to the US Anti-war Movement and Arab and Muslim Organizations
Open Letter to the US Anti-war Movement and Arab and Muslim Organizations
Socialist Arab Coalition in North America
Çá ÌãÚ ÇáÅÔ ÑÇßì ÇáÚÑÈì Ýì ÃãÑíßÇ ÇáÔãÇáíÉ
The effectiveness of the anti-war movement in the West is its mass appeal. Its weakness however is the inherent problem that that presents which is lack of ideological cohesiveness.
This presents the anti-war movement with two difficulties, the first is the necessary inclusion of these movements without intent of both opportunist and reactionary elements, second is that their life-time is short. It is short because it is issue oriented and revolves around the pressing issue, in this case of the complete brutal nature of the Bush imperialist war on the world and Iraq in specific.
We on the revolutionary Marxist-Leninest left are clear about these issues. Our task is to work hard to direct the anti-war movement to an anti-imperialist end. Our task is to work hard amongst this popular mobilization to direct the guns and anger onto the capitalists-imperialists of the United States-Anglo alliance.
We know that only this analysis and plan of action can lead the anti-war (and even anti-globalization) important popular mobilizations, to the necessary victory. This necessary victory can only be in the revolutionary and not reform sense. Specifically the destruction of US-Anglo capitalism, and its highest form US-Anglo imperialism.
The primary struggle and importance is of course in the periphery armed struggles in Iraq and Coloumbia, Palestine and Nepal, Venezuela and the Philippines. That is where most of our attention, energy, and effort is. Of secondary importance are the social-democratic moves of the Western anti-war and anti-globalization forces active today.
It is thus of no surprise to us to have read of recent the open call made by Arab and Muslim organizations in the USA to the anti-war movement and anti-globalization forces accusing them of racism and to have succumb to pro-Zionist fascists implanted into the movement.
These pro-Zionist forces have found a footstep into the open arena of the anti-war movement and have sought to drop the demand for an "end of occupation in Palestine" from the call of the movement. We ourselves see this call as short from what we demand in the form of the call for: "Liberation of the entire land of Palestine".
But even this low political ceiling of a demand asking for the end of occupation in Palestine does not fair well with the pro-Zionists; the shear mention of Palestine gets them kicking and screaming for its removal.
We on the revolutionary Marxist-Leninest left have been trained well by VI Lenin to expose opportunism in the left. And so we have dedicated a good deal of our lives to fight opportunism on the left and have had extensive experience dealing blows to Zionists and pro-Zionist forces implanted in the left.
We do it again with great pleasure to smash these forces which we found in the social-democratic mobilizations of the anti-war movement.
We present our position without being bashful:
1.Palestine is Arab, we call for the liberation of Palestine from river to sea and its return to the Arab people, not just an end to occupation.
2 We reject the misnomer Oslo peace process, road map, etc. because we think these are imperialist Zionist traps to rob the Arab people of their homeland. They are peace for the oppressors and not the oppressed and so we have no desire to give peace to the oppressors. Our interest is in returning the land to its owners. In Iraq our interest is the defeat of the imperialist forces.
3.We stand by the original Palestinian charter of 1967 we reject any solution that falls short of this call for the Palestinian struggle. We consider Judaism a religion not a nationality.
4. We direct those interested to our work against normalization of relations with “israel” through the North America Committee Against Zionism and Racism (NACAZAR) which we have helped found (
falastinarabeyeh (at) yahoo.com)
5.We direct those interested to the pro-Iraq resistance network USA.
6. We should learn form the examples set forth by Cuba and the DPRK (Korea) who though assuming victory in their struggles to bring socialism to their countries still fight hard to keep the victories they have earned against capitalism-imperialism.
The Songun policy of the great DPRK and the proud resolve of Cuban independence on the road to socialism and against US imperialism, still show us great illuminating examples of not only how to win the revolution but also how to keep it!
The anti-war movement must immediately rid itself of the opportunist elements and direct itself to an anti-imperialist end. Without this it is doomed. It is doomed because it will loose its compass and fall in the hands of the pro-Zionist forces, reactionaries and imperialists and they will quickly cut its throat.
Second, they leave themselves open to imperialist security agents to fathom dissent and confusion amongst this ideologically un-harmonized mass which will bring this movement also to an undesirable fatal end.
Kick the Zionist elements out, support a pro-Palestine principled stand, bring a pro-Iraq resistance principled stand into the movement; lead the anti-war movement to an anti-imperialist end.
ÝáíÈÞì ÇÓã ÝáÓØíä ãÑÝæÚÇ ÚÇáíÇ
(Let the name of Palestine be always raised high)
Çá ÌãÚ ÇáÅÔ ÑÇßì ÇáÚÑÈì Ýì ÃãÑíßÇ ÇáÔãÇáíÉ
Socialist Arab Coalition in North America
For A Socialist Future
A Liberated PALESTINE--->Arab Unification---->SOCIALISM
Workers of the World Unite
íÇ ÚãÇá ÇáÚÇáã Å ÍÏæÇ
3.Iraqi Communist Party(Cadre) formally ackowledges Saddam Hussein to be the Valid President of Iraq!!!
Response from the ICP-Cadre
To Whom It May Concern,
It looks like there has been some misunderstanding of the ICP-Cadre
statement and its position on Saddam Hussein.
Hence, we would like to clarify our position on the trial of
president Saddam Hussein:
1:we in ICP-Cadre believe that Saddam Hussein is still the president
of Iraq
2: we stand with him in the war he led against the imperialists
3: there was communication between the president and us while he
was still free
4:we in IPC-Cader reject any trial for Presdint Saddam by the USA,
the UK, Nato, the UN, the Hague, or Bremer's Council.
Finally, we believe that the Americans can not afford to put the
President on trial because they do not have anything on him.
4:Petition Endorsed by Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network: Defend Dr. Huda Saleh Mahdi Ammash!!!
The Following Petition Enjoys the Full Support of the Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network. We Request your various organizations and personages endorse it as well.
4.Free Dr. Huda Ammash and all the Iraqi Detainees NOW!
To: UN Secretary General, International Action Center, Islamic Scientific Society, Southend Press, Environmentalist Against War, Peace and Resistance
Name: Huda Saleh Mahdi Ammash
Birth: Baghdad – September 26, 1953
Social Status: Married with a son and a daughter
Academic Status:
1. She received her B.Sc. from the College of Science, Baghdad University in 1974.
2. She received her MS in microbiology from the University of Texas/Dunton.
3. She received her Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Missouri/Columbia in 1983.
4. She received the Award for Young Scientists from the Shoman Academy in Jordan in 1994.
5. She was chosen as a member of the Iraqi Scientific Society in 1996.
6. She was elected a member of the Islamic Scientific Society in 2001.
7. She is a member of several Arab and international biological associations.
Scientific and Administrative Positions:
1. After graduation, she worked as an assistant researcher in Baghdad University from 1975 – 1976.
2. She worked as an assistant researcher at the University of Missouri in America from 1981 – 1983 while studying for her Ph.D.
3. Teacher at the College of Science/ Baghdad University from 1983 – 1991during which she earned the title Assistant Professor.
4. Teacher at the College of Medicine/ Saddam University from 1991- 1994 during which she earned the title of Professor.
5. Dean of the Women's Educational College in Baghdad University from 1993 – 1995.
6. Dean of the College of Science/ Baghdad University from 1995 – 1997.
7. A member dedicated to the Iraqi Scientific Society from 1996 until now.
The American Occupation Forces detained Dr. Huda Ammash on April 25, 2003. During this very time, the American Occupation Forces were claiming that Dr. Huda Ammash had fled to Syria. Their blatant lies were exposed after some international news networks spread reports of her detention which forced the Occupation Forces, on May 5, 2003, to admit that they had her under detention.
Under the pressure of international humanitarian and academic societies, the American Forces in Baghdad claimed that she had been released. This lie was uncovered when news networks went to her home for an interview. The American Occupation Forces were forced to admit that they had lied once again and that Dr. Huda was still under detention.
Dr. Huda Saleh Mahdi Ammash never did research, at any stage, on weapons of any type and none of her research papers were ever put to such a use. All her scientific research is published and she was promoted due to this published research. She attended many international and Arabic scientific conferences with her research.
Scientific and academic societies all over Iraq, the Arab world, and internationally know that the reason behind Dr. Huda Ammash's detention was that she exposed the criminal use of weapons by the Americans during the 1991 war on Iraq up until now. These weapons include Depleted Uranium (DU), biological, chemical and other electro-radioactive weapons. She published a book which proved that the weapons used by the Americans during the 1991 Gulf War were responsible for the rise in cancer rates in the south of Iraq and that is why her detention is simply retaliation for exposing them.
Dr. Huda Saleh Mahdi Ammash is currently detained under inhumane conditions in spite of the fact that she has cancer and was under medical treatment during the time of her detention.
The Occupation Forces have detained more than 15,000 Iraqis without accusation, and they are subjected to the ugliest forms of torture under almost unbelievable, inhumane conditions.
We cry out to every Muslim, Arab and live conscience to stand by Dr. Huda Ammash and the other detainees and ask international organizations to step in immediately and stop these horrible crimes and to call for the detainees to be freed. Silence on this issue means that every researcher or scientist, Arab or Muslim, and every person who defends their freedom, will be exposed to the same fate as the Iraqis should they attempt to defend their people, and their families, under occupation.
The Undersigned
5.DPRK News:"Anti-Imperialist and Anti-War Struggle Called for"
Anti-Imperialist and Anti-War Struggle Called for
Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- It is a common task and strategic commitment of humankind to intensify the anti-imperialist and anti-war struggle for peace in order to check and frustrate the imperialists' moves for aggression and war, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
The dominationist moves of the imperialist aggression forces at present have reached their height. Under this situation the people can never realize their desire and demand for independence nor achieve the peaceful development of the world in the new century unless their blatant aggression and interference are checked.
The anti-war struggle is the main form of the struggle for world peace at present and its principal target is the United States.
The U.S. imperialists are the chieftain of aggression and war and the principal disturber of peace in the 21st century.
It is impossible to avert a war and achieve the world peace without a struggle against the U.S. imperialists.
The world remains so disturbed and peace and order are harassed due to the U.S. imperialists' moves for aggression and war.
Few countries desirous of independence are free from the U.S. threat of military intervention and aggression.
Only when all the anti-imperialist, independent peace-loving forces of the world fight against the U.S. imperialists' moves for aggression and war is it possible to avert a war and ensure world peace.
The people of all countries of the world should lift their anti-war, anti-U.S. voices and bind Yankees hands and foot to keep them from starting a war.
Wrong is the logic that one may exert little effort and others should make greater efforts in the struggle for peace. Remaining indifferent to others shedding blood is little short of inviting the danger of aggression to oneself.
If any country ceases to struggle for peace or vacillates in the struggle or budges from it, this will result in weakening the struggle for peace against war and causing its setback. There will be lasting peace when the moves of the U.S. imperialists for aggression and war are checked and they are dismembered in all parts of the world.
6.Socialist Arab Coalition of North America-History of Communist Involvement in the Lebanese Resistance Against "israel"-æÝÇÁÇ ááãÞÇæãÉ ÇáÔíæÚíÉ
Names of martyrs, number of Communists invovled (7000), number of operations carried against the Zionist enemy; a profile of Communist comrades and Communist prisoners held in Zionist prisons all can be found at this website:
The website of the Lebanese Resistance Front (JAMMOUL) which highlights Communist involvement in the Lebnanese resistance (since its inception in 1982) and specifically what led to the liberation of southern Lebanon from the Zionist enemy.
Here are the names and biography of the first Lebanese Communist martyrs:
Yasar Mroweh (Female) of the Lebanese Communist Party.
We hope she will serve as model for many to come.
Forward on to your contacts and celebrate this impressive history of antiZionist resistance by the Lebanese Communist Forces!
We thank Mohamed Shublaq for forwarding to us this info.
Çá ÌãÚ ÇáÅÔ ÑÇßì ÇáÚÑÈì Ýì ÃãÑíßÇ ÇáÔãÇáíÉ
Socialist Arab Coalition in North America
For A Socialist Future
A Liberated PALESTINE--->Arab Unification---->SOCIALISM
Workers of the World Unite
íÇ ÚãÇá ÇáÚÇáã Å ÍÏæÇ
***En Español***
7. Diario de la resistencia iraquí Titulares: 1 a 3 de febrero
Diario de la resistencia iraquí
febrero de 2004
Titulares: 1 a 3 de febrero
CSCAweb: 4-02-04
Pese a las previsiones tras la captura de Sadam Husein, enero ha sido el segundo mes más mortífero para las tropas de EEUU desde el inicio de la ocupación, mientras aumenta la media diaria de ataques
Atacado con misiles el aeropuerto de Bagdad
Cae hasta un 20% el porcentaje de reenganche de los soldados estadounidenses tras su servicio en Iraq
Nueva baja estadounidense mortal al sur de Bagdad el martes / Incremento presupuestario en Defensa para los próximos cinco años en EEUU / Tres policías iraquíes muertos en un ataque en la noche del lunes en la ciudad de Karbala / La resistencia ataca con granadas un vehículo de la infantería estadounidense en Mosul durante la visita de Wolfowitz a la ciudad / La ONG danesa Danchurchaid suspende sus actividades de desminado en el sur tras un ataque en Basora / Los mandos militares de EEUU procuran reducir la presencia en las calles de Bagdad de sus efectivos
Martes, 3 de febrero
- Pese a las previsiones tras la captura de Sadam Husein, enero ha sido el segundo mes más mortífero para las tropas de EEUU desde el inicio de la ocupación, mientras aumenta la media diaria de ataques.
El mes de enero ha resultado ser el segundo más mortífero para las tropas estadounidenses -tras el de noviembre- desde el inicio de la ocupación: 39 militares de EEUU han muerto el primer mes de 2004 por ataques de la resistencia. Al tiempo, el general de Brigada Mark Kimmitt, segundo mando de operaciones de EEUU en Bagdad, ha reconocido que la media diaria de ataques contra sus tropas ha aumentado de nuevo la semana pasada hasta 23, tras haber descendido en las anteriores a menos de 20. El Pentágono está procurando reducir al menos en la capital la presencia de sus efectivos en tareas de protección estática y patrullaje (véase el 'Diario' del día 1 de febrero más abajo).
Por otra parte, este martes otro soldado estadounidense resultaba muerto -y otro más herido- al explotar una bomba en las proximidades de Iskandariyah, a unos 55 kilómetros al sur de Bagdad, durante una operación de rastreo de este tipo de artefactos, según ha informado el mando militar de EEUU. Esta nueva baja mortal eleva a 255 el número de militares de EEUU muertos desde el 1 de mayo por acciones de la resistencia, fecha en la que el presidente Bush diera por concluida formalmente la guerra en Iraq. Se trata del segundo soldado estadounidense muerto este mes de febrero. [Fuentes: Associated Press e Iraq Coalition Casualty. Traducción y elaboración: CSCAweb.]
- Incremento presupuestario en Defensa para los próximos cinco años en EEUU.
El pasado lunes el presidente Bush propuso un presupuesto de 401,7 mil millones de dólares en defensa para el presupuesto del año 2005 (un incremento del 7% respecto al anterior), al tiempo que la Casa Blanca indicaba que solicitará al Congreso 50 mil millones adiciones para Iraq y Afganistán. La proyección en los siguientes años es de 422,7 mil millones en 2006, 443,9 mil millones en 2007, 475, mil millones en 2008 y 487,7 mil millones en 2009. El secretario de Defensa Rumseld ha justificado el incremento en gasto militar por la guerra contra el terrorismo, que requieren grandes sumas en fuerzas altamente tecnificadas y móviles. "Estamos bajo fuego. Estamos aún en guerra contra el terrorismo", ha señalado la máxima autoridad presupuestaria del Pentágono, Dov Zakheim. [Fuente: Reuters. Traducción y elaboración: CSCAweb.]
- Atacado con misiles el aeropuerto de Bagdad.
Este martes, en torno a las 6:15 horas de la mañana, dos misiles impactan en el aeropuerto internacional de la capital, convertido en base militar por el Pentágono desde la culminación de la ocupación de Bagdad. Un portavoz militar indicó que el lanzamiento de los dos proyectiles se había producido desde un zona densamente poblada de la capital, por lo que las fuerzas de ocupación desestimaron responder al ataque. No se informado de daños materiales o humanos. A mediados de enero un proyectil fue disparado contra el avión que transportaba de regreso a su país al ministro de Defensa de Georgia. El 22 de noviembreun Airbus A-300 de la compañía de transporte DHL fue alcanzado por un misil, forzando al aparato a realizar un aterrizaje de emergencia en el aeropuerto. Antes de ambos ataque, ha habido al menos ocho intentos de derribo por parte de la resistencia de aparatos de las fuerzas de ocupación o de aquellas compañías internacionales que habían reanudado los vuelos con Iraq. Previo a este ataque DHL había vuelto a suspender sus vuelos al país. [Fuente: Middle East Online. Traducción y elaboración: CSCAweb.]
- Cae hasta un 20% el porcentaje de reenganche de los soldados estadounidenses tras su servicio en Iraq.
La prolongación del servicio de las tropas estadounidenses en Iraq hasta un año en contra de lo inicialmente previsto, está determinando el aumento del porcentaje de soldados que decidirán no reengancharse al retornar a EEUU, según una encuesta realizada por el Ejército y la Guardia Nacional. El porcentaje de quienes abandonan el servicio estaría aumentando desde el 12,5 al 20%, según esta encuesta. Portavoces del Pentágono ha mostrado su preocupación por esta tendencia. [Fuente: Reuters. Traducción y elaboración: CSCAweb.]
Lunes, 2 de febrero
- Tres policías iraquíes pierden la vida en un ataque con armas ligeras contra un convoy llevado a cabo en la noche del lunes en la ciudad de Karbala, según fuentes locales citadas por AFP. Las muertes se produjeron por la explosión de un camión-cisterna custodiado por los policías. Según algunas fuentes, el ataque iba dirigido contra el jefe de la policía de la ciudad, que resultó ileso. [Fuente: AFP. Traducción y elaboración: CSCAweb.]
- Miembros de la resistencia atacan con granadas propulsadas un vehículo militar Skyker de la infantería estadounidense en la ciudad de Mosul mientras el vicesecretario de Defensa de EEUU, Paul Wolfowitz, se entrevistas con las autoridades de ocupación de la ciudad. Según fuentes militares no se han producido bajas. [Fuente: Associated Press. Traducción y elaboración: CSCAweb.]
- Tras el ataque desde pasado 31 de enero contra un convoy de su organización en Basora en el que resultaron heridos dos sus miembros (véase el 'Diario' de ese día), la organización civil danesa Danchurchaid ha decidido suspender sus actividades de desminado en la zona y evacuar a su personal de Iraq; 14 de sus 50 miembros ya han salido del país. Dinamarca tiene en Iraq 410 militares en las ciudades de Basora y Qurnah. [Fuente: Associated Press. Traducción y elaboración: CSCAweb.].
Domingo, 1 de febrero
- Los mandos militares procuran reducir la presencia en las calles de Bagdad de sus efectivos.
Los mandos militares estadounidenses en Bagdad han ordenado una "drástica reducción" de la presencia de sus tropas en la capital en tareas de custodia y patrullaje, según informa The New York Times (edición de l de febrero). Tras un máximo en los meses anteriores de 60 puntos de vigilancia en la capital, las fuerzas de ocupación de EEUU han reducido su presencia a 26 y esperan reducirla a ocho a mediados de abril, según fuentes militares. De estos ocho emplazamientos, seis estarán en la periferia de la capital y dos en la "Zona Verde" de máxima seguridad del complejo de la Autoridad Provisional de la Coalición (APC) en la margen derecha del Tigris, en el centro de Bagdad. El Pentágono espera ceder paulatinamente a fuerzas de seguridad iraquíes la seguridad en la capital, según ha comentado el general Dempsey durante la visita del vicesecretario de Defensa de EEUU, Paul Wolfowitz, a Bagdad ciudad el domingo. Según fuentes del Pentágono, en la actualidad patrullan Bagdad alrededor de 8.000 policías iraquíes, si bien fuentes de la APC indican que precisarían hasta 19.000 efectivos. Bagdad tiene 5,5 millones de habitantes y unos 50 kilómetros de diámetro. Fuentes militares estadounidenses estiman que operan en la capital entre 250 y 300 "miembros duros" de la resistencia, agrupados en 14 células. [Fuente: The New York Times. Traducción y elaboración: CSCAweb.]
Atentados suicidas simultáneos contra las sedes de UPK y PDK en Irbil: el efecto 'boomerang' de la estrategia de EEUU
Nota Informativa CSCAweb
Al menos 70 personas resultan muertas y más de 200 heridas este domingo en la ciudad de Irbil, capital administrativa del Kurdistán iraquí y sede de su gobierno, cuando dos suicidas hacen estallar las bombas que llevaban adosadas a sus cuerpos en las sedes de los partidos kurdo-iraquíes Unión Patriótica del Kurdistán (UPK) y Unión Democrática del Kurdistán (PDK) en esta ciudad del norte de Iraq. Ambos atentados suicidas -los primeros de estas características y los más sangrientos de los últimos meses- se han llevado a cabo mientras dirigentes de ambas organizaciones recibían en sus respectivas sedes a sus simpatizantes con motivo de la celebración de la fiesta musulmana del Sacrificio, Eid al-Adha. Si bien ninguno de los máximos dirigentes de UPK y PDK -Jalal Talabani y Masud Barzani, respectivamente- se encontraban en Irbil, los atentados han acabado con la vida de varios dirigentes de ambas organizaciones, según fuentes de éstas, entre ellos el gobernador de la provincia, Akram Mintik, y su segundo; el viceprimer ministro del PDK, Sami Abdul Arman; y varios ministros de la administración kurda, así como y el máximo jefe militar de la UPK.
Tras el doble atentado sincronizado, las especulaciones sobre su autoría se han centrado en el pequeño grupo islamista Ansar al-Islam -tal y como ha señalado la máxima autoridad de los ocupantes en la región, el coronel estadounidense Harry Schute-, cuya área de intervención en estos años se ha limitado al zona oriental kurdo-iraquí, y que los servicios de información estadounidenses consideran filial de al-Qaeda. Muy recientemente, el régimen iraquí prestó ayuda militar a la UPK en su lucha contra Ansar al-Islam en la zona del Kurdistán bajo su control.
Especulaciones al margen sobre el origen de los dos ataques suicidas, los atentados de Irbil se están procurando presentar en clave de confrontación civil o comunitaria -de "guerra civil", como se afirma- en Iraq. La situación es bien distinta: EEUU comienza a cosechar los resultados de su estrategia de división y reparto de prebendas entre interlocutores confesionales o comunitarios favorables a la invasión y ocupación del país.
UPK y PDK han apoyado durante esta década la política de sanciones contra Iraq y posteriormente la invasión del país por EEUU; ambos partidos se integraron en el Consejo Gubernativo designado por el proconsul Bremer en junio pasado. Sin embargo, se han opuesto abiertamente en las últimas dos semanas a las exigencias del clero shi'í liderado por as-Sistani (pero representado en el Consejo Gubernativo por el Consejo Supremo de la Revolución Islámica en Iraq, CSRII) relativas a la celebración de elecciones directas inmediatas bajo ocupación, frente al proyecto de EEUU de formar nuevas instancias iraquíes recurriendo a designaciones locales. Talabani y Barzani, ahora aliados a la fuerza, ven en ese reciente protagonismo de as-Sistani -que ha permitido a EEUU favorecer el retorno de Naciones Unidas a Iraq (véase en CSCAweb: Perpetuar la ocupación: las exigencias del clero shi'í y la decisión de Annan de 'internacionalizar' la crisis de Iraq)- una amenaza a sus aspiraciones federalistas, que además se han visto contestadas por las minorías residentes en la zona kurda turcomana y árabe, víctimas ahora de una estrategia de exclusión, cuando no de expulsión, por parte de los aliados de Washington. La quiebra del Consejo Gubernativo se ha puesto de manifiesto en su incapacidad de elaborar una nueva Constitución para fin de año, como le exigía la resolución 1511 del Consejo de Seguridad de octubre pasado, donde cada sector ha pugnado por la aceptación de sus criterios.
Desde el verano de 2002, las dos formaciones kurdo-iraquíes, rivales y confrontadas durante los años en los que la zona quedó fuera del control de Bagdad tras la Guerra del Golfo de 1991, han visto con preocupación como EEUU y Reino Unido otorgaban un papel predominante al clero shi'í -particularmente al CSRII- frente a sus tradicionales aliados en sus planes de guerra contra Iraq y ahora ya durante la ocupación, los propios partidos UPK y PDK y el Congreso Nacional iraquí de Ahmad Chalabi, al considerar clave su papel en la aceptación por el grupo mayoritario de la población iraquí de la ocupación, como promovió en su día al-Hakim (muerto en atentado en agosto) y ahora as-Sistani.
Si hasta ahora la fractura interna en Iraq era entre colaboracionistas y opuestos a la ocupación, el claro proceso de deterioro del campo de organizaciones iraquíes que han apoyado la guerra y se han acomodado a la ocupación está complicando aún más los planes de la Autoridad Provisional de la Coalición (APC) de ceder formalmente el poder político en Iraq antes del 1 de julio. [Nota Informativa CSCAweb. Fuentes: Associated Press y Reuters.]
- Una nueva baja mortal eleva a 254 el número de militares de EEUU muertos desde el 1 de mayo.
Un soldado estadounidense resulta muerto y otros 12 más heridos en un ataque con misiles llevado cabo el domingo contra una base de "apoyo logístico" de la Cuarta División de Infantería de EEUU de Balad, a 80 kilómetros de su base en la ciudad de Tikrit. Dos de los soldados heridos se encuentran en estado muy grave. Según han informado fuentes militares, tras el ataque fueron detenidos 16 personas, incluidas varias mujeres. Esta nueva baja mortal eleva a 254 el número de militares de EEUU muertos desde el 1 de mayo por acciones de la resistencia. [Fuentes: Associated Press, Reuters e Iraq Coalition Casualty. Traducción y elaboración: CSCAweb.]
- Una nueva baja mortal de EEUU en incidente "no hostil".
Un soldado estadounidense resulta muerto y otros dos heridos en un accidente de circulación, cuando su vehículo Humvee vuelca por causas desconocidas en las proximidades de la ciudad de Haditha, a 175 kilómetros al oeste de Balad, han informado fuentes militares de ocupación. Desde el inicio de la invasión, han muerto en Iraq 159 militares de EEUU en acciones genéricamente denominadas por el Pentágono como "no hostiles", de ellos 133 desde el 1 de mayo, fecha formal del fin de la guerra. [Fuentes: Associated Press e Iraq Coalition Casualty. Traducción y elaboración: CSCAweb.]
8. Coalición árabe socialista de Norteamérica: Abra la letra en el movimiento pacifista de los E.E.U.U. y las organizaciones árabes y musulmanas
Coalición árabe socialista en Norteamérica
Çá ÌãÚ ÇáÅÔ ÑÇssì ÇáÚÑÈì Ýì ÃãÑíssÇ ÇáÔãÇáíÉ
La eficacia del movimiento pacifista en el oeste es su súplica total. Su debilidad sin embargo es el problema inherente que ese los presentes que es carencia de la cohesividad ideológica.
Esto presenta el movimiento pacifista con dos dificultades, el primer es la inclusión necesaria de estos movimientos sin intento del opportunist y los elementos del reaccionario, son en segundo lugar que su curso de la vida es corto. Es corto porque es edición orientada y gira alrededor de la edición acuciante, en este caso de la naturaleza brutal completa de la guerra imperialista de Bush en el mundo y el Iraq en específico.
En el Marxista-Leninest revolucionario dejado estamos claros sobre estas ediciones. Nuestra tarea es trabajar difícilmente para dirigir el movimiento pacifista a un extremo del contra-imperialista. Nuestra tarea es trabajar difícilmente entre esta movilización popular para dirigir los armas y la cólera sobre los capitalista-imperialistas de la alianza Estado-states-Anglo unida.
Sabemos que solamente este análisis y plan de la acción pueden conducir las movilizaciones populares importantes pacifistas (e incluso contra-anti-globalization), a la victoria necesaria. Esta victoria necesaria puede solamente estar en el revolucionario y no reformar sentido. Específicamente la destrucción del capitalismo Nosotros-uS-Anglo,