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Peasants and workers demonstrate against the FTAA in Puebla.

Mainly Mexican peasants and unions organizations have demonstrated in Puebla, against the FTAA negotiations, that are having place in that Mexican city.
The most affected by the "free trade" that US use with Mexico (by the NAFTA, North American Free Trade Agreement) have been the more active ones on the anti-FTAA protests in Puebla.

The Peasant Confederation Zapata Vive and the National Workers Union of Mexico have been the main organizations involved in this mobilizations, as the Mexican activist Rocio Magdaleno explained to RealWorldRadio.

About the negotiations contents, Magdaleno expressed that this "so-called light FTAA is just a way to involve in all the issues of all the other countries" to later advance in bilateral fronts and weeken the strength of the different Latinamerican regional blocks.

Since the start of the meeting of the Committee of Commercial Negotiations of the FTAA in Puebla, there have been different mobilizations against the advance of the agreement. Rocio Magdaleno, of the Mexican Network of Action Facing the Free Trade outlined the activities done by the parliamentarians, in parallel to the CCN meeting.

Finally, today is being made a mobilization to the Conventions Centre were the viceministers that are participating in the negotiations are met.

Magdaleno said that waits that the demonstration will have the effect to generate "public conciousness" on the negative effects of the free trade.



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