Netstrike !!!
In order to support the demonstrations against the NATO’s
security conference in Munich.
(1) We’d like to launch a massive netstrike against the conference's website:
(2) Spam and mailbonbing against conference's email:
office (at)
press (at)
usflobav (at)
(3) Blocking the telephone lines of Press Office:
Tel. +49 89 31 68 61 41
Fax. +49 89 31 68 61 44
The netstrike is planned for Friday 6th February 2004
3pm GMT (UK, Ireland, Portugal time)
4pm GMT (Holland, Germany, France, Spain, Italy time)
5pm GMT (Finland, Greece, Turkey, Israel time)
6pm GMT (Russia, Georgia, Iraq time)
Find out your GMT time at :
The ideas is simple:
(1) Use this tool for netstrike
or run your web browser, go to the website, and keep on pressing the “refresh” (or “reload”) button of your browser, hoping that the server will be swamped by
access requests, and eventually knocked out.
If you wanna be more efficient, you can clean up your browser’s cache.
more info at :
(2) Send email with big attachment or spam with your ideas about conference.
(3) Call and send fax to Press Office of Munich conference with the numbers up segnaled.
Fourum in order to deepining about netstrike:
Spread this info, we need to be numerous.
More info about the conference at
Information about event:
The NATO Conference on Security Policy is a conference organized by a
private person called Horst Teltschik, former advisor of Helmut Kohl,
former Manager of BMW and now an employee at Boeing, one of the biggest
weapons manufacturers in the world.
At the annual Munich “meeting for safety policy” as it officially called,
military strategists, generals and armament experts, the ministers of
foreign and of defence affairs of the NATO and the EU states, as well
as representatives of the armament industry and the media, meet at
the hotel “Bayerischer Hof “.
The conference will be held in the most expensive hotel of Munich,
hosting several dozen military experts, politicians and private
investors to provide a platform for relaxed (mostly private)
conversation and exchange of ideas.
Also, this year, "Defense" Ministers of all member countries will be
holding a meeting on the 6th.
For the past years people have been protesting the conference as an
event used to promote war and military armament. And also a place for
investors seeking bigger market shares abroad with the help of the
military and its industry.
2 years ago all protests were prohibited by the city government of
Munich, all public dissent illegalized. But still almost 10,000 people
showed up to protest anyway, almost 1000 were arrested - illegally.
Because NATO allows the event to carry its name, and because NATO
members are taking part, and since the conference is ironically named
to be a "peace conference", it is neccessary to show how NATO supports
only one kind of peace, that of expansion, subduing other countries and
bombing them.
The conference's own website is here:
The official NATO web site:
German anti-NATO site:
International information against NATO:
Spread this info, we need to be numerous!!
You should collaborate and post new and messages
on, like newswire of
Indymedia Network, we can create a big coverage
against NATO's and USA's wars
Signed crew.