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Commentary :: International Relations

PUK a Component of NED/CIA Neural Network 1 Feb. 04

PUK a Component of NED/CIA Neural Network 1 Feb. 04 By Majdur Travail In Irbil, Iraq, two suicide bombers struck the offices of the Kurdish Democratic Party [KDP] and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan [PUK] in nearly simultaneous attacks Sunday, killing at least 56 people and wounding more than 235. The PUK has been connected to the National Endowment for Democracy. According to media sources Hussain Sinjari left the PUK to head the Iraq Institute for Democracy—an NED brainchild.
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen also receives money from the NED. According to a report published in Gramna, 11 April 2000, the National Endowment for Democracy gives to 39 Democratic Congress members and 17 Republicans including Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Dante Fascell, Robert Torricelli, Lincoln Díaz Balart, Larry Smith, Ernest Hollings, Robert Graham, Joseph Lieberman, Connie Mack, Orrin G. Hatch, Claude Pepper and others. Ros-Lehtinen was connected to CANF when Camila Ruiz, a former Ros-Lehtinen aide and former staff member of the International relations Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives resigned and became the director of CANF on 12 Aug. 03. The connection of MKO/MEK to the National Council of Resistance Iran [NCRI] and the NCRI to Ros-Lehtinen and Ros-Lehtinen to CANF and CANF to the CIA and the CIA connected to the NED and the NED connected to Ros-Lehtinen; we could now conclude the Ros-Lehtinen is connected to the CIA.



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