Announcement :: Gender & Sexuality
The Fight for Gay Marriage
Public Forum: The Fight for Gay Marriage
When: Wednesday, January 28th, 7pm
Where: 5650 S. Woodlawn (Unitarian Church)
Public Forum: The Fight for Gay Marriage
When: Wednesday, January 28th, 7pm
Where: 5650 S. Woodlawn (Unitarian Church)
George W. Bush plans on spending $1.5 billion to promote marriage, while at the same time proposing that a constitutional amendment be ratified to ban gay marriage. What hypocrite!
Gays and lesbians have won significant victories over the last several months--from the legalization of sodomy by the Supreme Court over the summer, to the Massachusettes state Supreme Court decision to lift the ban on gay marriage.
The fight for gay rights is shaping up to be an important issue in the coming months, as Bush seems ready to whip up homophobia to worm his way back into the White House.
But how should we respond to Democrats who don't actually support gay marriage, but the more nebulous
"civil unions"--which doesn't really cut it when gays and lesbians are demanding the right to marry.
Join Tamiz Haiderali in a discussion on the Fight for Gay Marriage and the struggle for gay rights.