as large corporations take advantage of economies of scale to strangle all competition, our small local businesses are barely able to survive.
the result of this Giant corporate farce, which claims to "Save" us money, is that our local medium and small operators are forced to sell out or close up shop. the jobs and networks that were sustained locally are then wiped out, to be replaced by a faceless corporate behemoth that hires only part-time without benefits for shitty pay.
and this "saves" consumers? saves what? a few pennies? while our communities are ruined and we are left with only a single mega-store or mega-service.
people, we need to stand up together and put a stop to the venal, unsustainable "business" model, one which worships gigantism and shoots us all in the back. Enron is just the first layer of the onion. The entire stock market is full of the same smoke and mirrors. Isn't it about time we put Cheney, Ken Lay, Richard Perle, and all the traitorous scum of the Bush junta on trial? They have sold us down the river...about twenty times in row, while sending our kids to die in the crossfire of their own failed dictatorships! our way of doing "business" has GOT to change!
see an interesting article on food retailers in the UK here:,12784,1131217,00.html
and especially see Arundhati Roy's address to the World Social Forum in Bombay here: