The Bar "W" Moon Ranch
In this case,the Man on Mars will be a representative of the U.S., a sort of Chris Columbus type, there to plant the stars and stripes and expand the American Empire into the stars. Look out martians, your days are numbered
We all know neo-conservatives in the Bush regime are into empire like Darth Vader was into the darkside, but it wasn't until today that we learned the extent of their aims. In the spirit of the recent Mars landing, the present occupant of the Whitehouse let us know just how out of this world his dreams of conquest really are. A permanent U.S. moon base seems to be the ultimate expression of neo-con empire building. It was James Roche, the US Air Force Secretary, who said: "America's allies would have "no veto power" over projects designed to achieve American military control of space", and if nothing else, the Bush regime is all about commanding the world; why stop in the upper atmosphere?
But George W. and his handlers aren't going to settle for just some piddling little lunar hacienda, no sir, "W" Moon Ranch? will more likely resemble a launching pad for both the militarization of space and, as indicated by Bush, an eventual manned landing on Mars. In this case,the Man on Mars will be a representative of the U.S., a sort of Chris Columbus type, there to plant the stars and stripes and expand the American Empire into the stars. Look out martians, your days are numbered.
If you liked that old tv series "Space 1999", you'll love the Bar "W" Moon Ranch. In the television show so much nuclear waste was stored on the moon that it went critical and blew that sacred orb right out of the solar system. In the Bush regime's version perhaps only surplus bullshit will be stockpiled up yonder, because Goddess knows there's waaaayyy too much of it in the Whitehouse. In short, the Bush moon initiative is nothing more than election year pie-in-the-sky. Bush the Lesser, and the Whitehouse puppet masters are merely attempting to hook their tarnished star to the successful Kennedy legacy of landing a man on the moon. But, we voted for Jack Kennedy, Bush is not Jack Kennedy.
I think I'll pass on that holiday junket package for two at the Bar "W". After all, imagine the security checks, not to mention those God-awful space fries floating all over the cabin. In any case, chances are the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (or will it be Universal Security?) won't allow the likes of this observer anywhere near the ranch. It's just as well, I'd rather be home on planet Earth watching the Bush regime as it buys the ranch.