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Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Peace

Nomads for Peace

Don't re-elect, relocate!
It is clear that the next, most important, step toward a world without war, is the electoral defeat of George W. Bush in 2004.

Nomads for Peace will temporarily move from Bush Country, California, and New York, to states where polls show a close presidential race, in time to register and vote for Bush's strongest opposition. In 2000, Bush won by less than 8,000 votes in New Hampshire and Florida, less than 20,000 in Nevada, and less than 100,000 in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Missouri, the Dakotas, and West Virginia. Registration rules vary, but usually require a month residency and registration two weeks to a month before the election. In Wisconsin, you need only reside 10 days prior, and you can register the day of the election!

Consider becoming a Nomad for Peace. Renters, telecommuters, and people who work near state borders, can become Nomads with minimal sacrifice. Please consider your position on Peace if you are contemplating moving. Above all, vote for Peace.



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