LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous
An initiative aiming to politicize the 2004 Chicago Marathon with a contingent of activists who are fed up with the policies and actions of their government is being started.
I've had plans to run the marathon for a couple of years, but never did it because I didn't feel like I had a compelling enough reason to put myself through all the hard work and commitment it would take, and I didn't know anyone who I could train with. I went over to the finnishline this last October, just to watch, and saw people wearing shirts that had all kinds of messges on them, but nothing denouncing the brutal, unjust wars being fought by the U.S. government, or any other outrages that people in the U.S. have a duty of opposing.
What's being proposed is a group of activists, or just people who oppose the current neoliberal trajectory, from all levels of physical fitness, forming into a group to collectively train for the marathon and discuss what political character our presence in it should have.
The benefits for the participants are obvious: the better shape you're in, the easier it is to deal with the stresses of doing political work, lower incidence of many diseases brought about by inactivity, etc., etc. It would also be a chance to work on something with an eclectic group of people from a variety of perspectives, strenthening our ability to work together to oppose injustice. Plus, bringing a political character to the marathon could really open a lot of eyes about what's going on in the world, while demonstrating that there are people willing to put themselves through a rigorous challenge to show solidarity with the victims of their government's aggression.
If you're interested, contact me