A Northside Forum On Black Family and Community Issues will be held Sat., Jan. 17, 2004 from 9am to 12 noon and is open to the public. Congressman Danny Davis will be the keynote speaker at this first step in creating a new Black Political Agenda in Illinois. The free event is at Loyola University Simpson Center, 6333 N. Winthrop, Chicago, IL.
Contact: Michael J. Harrington
BUPCI Chicago North Chair
773-465-6666 (day and eve)
BLKagenda2004 (at) aol.com
Black Issues Highlight King Holiday Forum as
North Side Chicago Blacks Forge New Political Agenda
WHAT: What will motivate Chicago’s Black voters to help elect our next president . . . or any candidate on the ballot?
We’ll get the answers at the Northside Forum On Black Family and Community Issues, an unprecedented "Speak Out" event for north side Chicago Black residents. Black voters will address this theme as they identify a wide range of issues that should be on the political agenda in the upcoming local and national elections.
WHEN: Saturday, January 17, 2004 from 9am to 12 noon.
WHERE: Loyola University Simpson Center, 6333 N. Winthrop, Chicago, IL.
WHY: This first of three citywide forums will help generate attention and support to address Black family issues and community needs. Black participants at the forum will create a “Top 10” list of issues as part of a new, comprehensive Illinois Black Political Agenda to guide local, state, and national candidates and elected officials.
Convened in celebration of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend, this event is especially timely considering the current election season in which candidates for public office are competing now for Black voters.
WHO: U. S. Congressman Danny Davis (D-Chicago) will be the keynote speaker.
This forum is a nonpartisan event sponsored by the Black Agenda Commission of the Black Unity Political Convention of Illinois (BUPCI). Participation includes activists, community and block club leaders, students and educators, health care and social service professionals, parents, business people, and members of the religious community. Two similar forums are planned for the south and west sides of Chicago in 2004.
BUPCI Chicago North Chairman Michael J. Harrington will serve as convener at the Jan. 17 forum.
BACKGROUND: The mission of the newly organized Black Unity Political Convention of Illinois is to achieve recognition and support for Black political issues at the city, state, and federal level. By design, the organization's leadership includes members from the north, west, and south sides of Chicago to represent the diverse nature of our constituencies. BUPCI will convene a statewide Illinois Black convention in during the summer of 2004.
CONTACT: Michael J. Harrington - Call 773-465-6666 or email at
BLKagenda2004 (at) aol.com
Northside Forum On Black Family and Community Issues is open to the public Sat., Jan. 17, 2004 from 9am to 12 noon. Congressman Danny Davis will be the keynote speaker at the free event at Loyola University Simpson Center, 6333 N. Winthrop, Chicago, IL.
Black Unity Political Convention of Illinois
c/o New Mount Sinai M.B. Church
1235 W. 59th St.
Chicago, IL 60636
Blkagenda2004 (at) aol.com