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LOCAL Announcement :: Peace


CRYSTAL LAKE—The McHenry County Peace Group will hold its third annual Christmas Peace Vigil this Saturday morning at 11 A.M. on the Square in Woodstock....
CRYSTAL LAKE—The McHenry County Peace Group will hold its third annual Christmas Peace Vigil this Saturday morning at 11 A.M. on the Square in Woodstock. Participants will gather at the Spring House and are invited to bring signs and candles.

"We gather every year the Saturday before Christmas to recall the good news of the season," according to Peace Group spokesperson Patrick Murfin. ‘We want to put into practice the angle’s call for ‘peace on earth, goodwill toward men.’" To set the tone for the vigil, participants will sing Rev. Edward Hamilton Sears classic 1849 American carol "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear," including its final verse which is a ringing call to make the angels’ call real.

Participants will include the Rev. Dan Larsen of the Congregational Unitarian Church; Sujatha Perandeniye, founder of the Blue Lotus Buddhist group; and other local spiritual leaders.

Individuals will also have an opportunity to step forward and share their thoughts on making a peaceful world.

Matt Cadiz will provide special music.

"We want to strike just the right balance of respectful reverence for the season with practical demands that our government stop making war in our name and in engaging in arrogant and aggressive unilateralism around the world," Murfin said. "We support the troops on the ground in Iraq, the people of that occupied country, and all of the people of the world. In the words of a popular bumper sticker, "God bless us all—no exceptions!"

Wind and precipitation permitting the vigil will conclude with lighting candles for peace at about 11:30.

For further info, contact: pmurfin (at)



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