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ANTI-WAR: As Attack on Iraq Looms, Chicagoans Get Disobedient

photo by Sophia Delaney/Chicago Indymedia
Dec. 10 - Chicago police and federal cops arrested 19 protesters today when activists blockaded doors and security checkpoints at Chicago's Kluczinski Federal Building.

Organized by the Iraq Peace Pledge Team, the civil disobedience action was one of dozens across the country to mark International Human Rights Day by opposing the Bush regime's war drive against Iraq. [ CIMC eyewitness report ] [ CIMC Photo Galleries: 1 | 2 | 3 ] [ Photo Essay: 1 | 2 ] [ corporate news coverage ]

The arrests followed 10 days of accelerated anti-war organizing in the greater Chicago area. On Dec. 1, the city's top Christian, Jewish and Muslim religious leaders issued a rare joint letter to President Bush urging him to avoid war. [ Full Story ] An anti-war resolution was also introduced into the Chicago City Council on Dec. 4, garnering 26 co-sponsors from the 50 member body, with public hearings likely in early January. And during the weekend of Dec. 6-8, community, religious and peace groups held over 50 anti-war events throughout Chicago and the suburbs.

Anti-War Event Reports, Dec. 6-8:
Chicago hearing focuses on war's impact
Peace advocates rally in Geneva, IL.
Peace Vigil in Evanston
Peace and Job Petitioners in South Chicago
Wellington UCC Iraq Peace Pledge Drive
Sisters of Charity Peace Picket




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