Launched by the Committee of 100 - a local interfaith project for peace and justice, the Chicago demonstration garnered support from peace and community groups across the city, and was held in solidarity with the massive national anti-war marches initiated by the International ANSWER Coalition in Washington, DC and San Francisco.
Chicago Images: Gallery 1
| Gallery 2
| Gallery 3
Features: Chicagoans Join DC Protests | O-26 Photo/Video Diary by DC cartoonist Mike Flugennock | Updates on O-26 Midwest Anti-War Actions
Local Anti-War Websites:
Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism
| 8th Day Center for Justice
| Chicago Anti-Bashing Network
| Evanston Neighbors for Peace
| Illinois Peace Action
| Chicago Peace Response Coalition
| Prairie Fire Organizing Committee
| DuPage Peace Through
Justice Coalition
| Columbia College - On the Ground
| Chicagoans Against War on Iraq
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