Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

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LOCAL: IMC FILM SCREENING: New Documentary Films Chronicle Israel’s War on Palestine

For months, grassroots projects and independent filmmakers - including IMC activists from around the world - have been in Palestine gathering documentary footage of the repression and violence that the Palestinian people have endured in the most recent escalation of Israeli attacks in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Join Chicago Indymedia this Wednesday at 7PM at the New World Resource Center, 2600 W. Fullerton (at Rockwell), for the local premier of three short films by Indymedia filmmaker Kevin Skvorak that tackle the conflict in the Middle East...and learn more about events on the ground from Kevin and others who shot the footage and edited the tape.

Suggested donation is $5. All proceeds go to benefit IMC-Palestine and Indymedia documentary work. More info here.




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