While protests have been small but spirited -- and heavily policed by both uniformed cops and dozens of undercover agents -- many groups with a key stake in the issues, including public sector unions under sweeping attack from privitazation in many municipalities, were notable no-shows. Still, conference organizers have resheduled the appearance of U.S. Homeland 'Security' czar Tom Ridge for Monday morning as a way to undercut protest turnout, particularly by working people. Click on these links for some of the photos (1, 2) from this weekend's protest.
And check out Madison IMC for breaking news and ongoing coverage -- including more photos, video, audio interviews of conference attendees and protesters, rock-solid policy analysis and IMC live streaming radio -- of the action inside and outside of the conference. For an audio report of Kaihatsu's Monday court appearance, courtesy of Madison Indymedia, click here.
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