According to the
American Civil Liberties Union, the new laws provide for the
incarceration and detention of non-citizens based on mere suspicion,
and drastically increases the power of law enforcement to conduct
telephone and internet surveillance, and
"sneak and peak" secret searches.
The act also creates a broad new definition of
domestic terrorism
that could sweep in people who engage in acts of political protest, and
empowers the Attorney General and the Secretary of State to designate
domestic groups
as terrorist organizations. Other provisions threaten
student and
financial privacy rights, and puts the
CIA and other intelligence agencies
back in the business of spying on Americans.
In a related move,the Illinois General Assembly will consider the Comprehensive Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001, proposed by Attorney General Jim Ryan, during November's abbreviated "veto" session. According the the ACLU of Illinois, Ryan's proposal includes measures that would impose "draconian punishment on minor violations of law not involving serious harm to persons, including acts of civil disobedience and inhibiting lawful association", drastically increases local law enforcement surveillance powers and expands the death penality.
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