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M22 Pro War Rally Pictures pt.1

First of two parts of photos of the pro-war rally on March 22nd at Federal Plaza... (article 2)
There were about 5-600 Support the Troops people by my estimate though a Fox news person thought there was 7-800.
I had an interesting time observing people and photographing. Most people were actually pretty nice, I think quite a few people present were simply looking for a sense of support while their loved ones were abroad. There was also more disturbing people, angry and beligerant. A common belief held by some of the more "informed" is that the the anti-war movement is entirely funded by the socialists and communists. I thought this interesting as certains segments of such groups have definitely done their share of hi-jacking meetings and other stunts that have met with disfavor in the Peace Movement.
I overheard many people in talking about the conter-protest that such things as "they don't have a clue", "they've been brainwashed" and my favorite "they're just stupid, all they're interested in is sex and drugs-that's all they do".
So these are my pictures of the pro-war protest. These are their signs and this is how they presented themselves. I did not purposefully make look people look bad- their signs and attitudes showed what they stood for.



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