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Photos of Iraqi Civilians Wounded by US bombing

The true face of the war in Iraq. This is what "collateral damage" really means!!
Photos of civilian casualties are posted at this site:

Peace activists in Baghdad are giving eyewitness testimony of massive civilian casualties in that city. Here is their self-description from their website at

"Since September 2002, seasoned nonviolent activists have been on the ground in Iraq working in tandem with those in the United States and the world who seek to prevent a U.S. attack on Iraq. Initiated by Voices in the Wilderness, Iraq Peace Team will remain in Iraq in the event of an attack with these intentions:
We will live among the Iraqi people during any aggression directed at them, including continued economic sanctions.
We will use our presence and non-violent actions to witness, understand and expose the situation of both the civilian population of Iraq and highlight the importance of facilities such as water purification plants that are critical to daily life.
We will report on our experiences in Iraq through this website, our support teams, and all who will listen.
Iraq Peace Team is not affiliated with Human Shield projects. Though we hope to remain in Iraq in the event of an attack, we don't consider ourselves “human shields." IPT exists to stand in solidarity with the peoples of Iraq. Voices in the Wilderness refuses to incorporate military language or ideas to describe the peace witness of IPT members."

These courageous people are are among many in Iraq from countries around the globe who are providing the world with true accounts of what is going on every day in Iraq while that nation is being torn apart by the US/British blitzkrieg. The bourgeois press in the US refuses to present any of this vital information to the US public, pretending that only strictly military targets are being hit, with "surgical precision". This is a lie, and the peace activists' reports from the scenes of the bombings prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt!!

Although I do not agree with the politics of Voices in the Wilderness, I definitely respect the courage and tremendous decency of these activists, many of whom are American workers who are proving every day by their presence in Iraq that there exist many, many American workers who oppose this war and have always opposed it. We must respect and honor these men and women who are making such tremendous sacrifices to throw down with the Iraqi people, and many of whom represent on the ground in Iraq an important section of the best part of the American working class!


Down With U.S. Imperialism!
Defend Iraq Against U.S./British Attack!
All U.S. and Allied Troops Out of the Near East Now!



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