Send an email to Daley letting him know that you support the tobacco ban in public establishments.
Just as it is not Bush's god given right to kill Iraqi's, it is not your god given right to kill the guy eating a sandwich next to you. Smoking in public is like shooting a gun in public, it might be fun but it can and does kill people.
Do you hate the way you feel and smell when you leave a smoky bar or restaurant?
Not only do your clothes smell bad, but you've also been breathing in cancer-causing deadly fumes from other people's cigarettes. Eating out or having a drink should not be such a gross experience! And it doesn't have to be
Right now Mayor Daley and the Chicago City Council are considering legislation that would make restaurants and other public places smoke-free. Not only would this protect you and your family from the dangers of secondhand smoke, it would also protect the restaurants and bar employees who breathe the equivalent of a half pack of cigarettes in every eight-hour shift.
Mayor Daley needs to hear how important this issue is to you! Click the link below to send a free message to the Mayor telling him that you support smoke-free bars and restaurants.
This smoke-free proposal would restrict smoking in restaurants and other workplaces. It would not take away a smokers right to smoke, but it would protect all of our rights to breathe clean air in public places. And it would give restaurant workers the same protection from secondhand smoke that office workers already have.
Please contact Mayor Daley today to urge him to help protect Chicago families and workers from the dangers of secondhand smoke.
Take Action! We've teamed up with our partners at the American Lung Association to give you a quick and easy way to write Mayor Daley. Just click on the link below to send a free email to Mayor Daley.
Not only can you send a letter to the Mayor, youre invited to attend the Chicago City Council Health Committee hearing on the clean-indoor air bill on Tuesday, March 18th at 9:30 AM at the City Council Chambers - 121 N. LaSalle - 2nd Floor.
It will only take a minute to help out. And once you've sent your letter, please forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to write to the Mayor in support of a smoke-free Chicago.
We all breathe the same air, let's do what we can to make sure it's clean.
Thank you for your help,
Carter Headrick
Manager, Grassroots and Field Operations
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