Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

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Help save some of the last Old Growth forests left on Earth!

Check out our website to find out how YOU can help to save the last of the Ancient Old Growth Redwood and Douglas Fir forests left on Earth!
Hey! Just wanted to remind everyone to check out the North Coast Earth First! Yahoo! group site at:

This has turned into a pretty good informational site, and I hope that you join, if you are not already on our mailing list. Also, be sure to check out the photos, files, and links sections of the site.
Things have really reached a boiling point here in Humboldt, and the trees need all the help, Love, and support that they can get.
Take care, and we hope to hear more from you in the very near future:)
With Love, Light, and Re-evolution,
Shunka Wakan



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