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Chicago Indymedia

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From LaPeace to the People

We are all People.
Dear brothers and sisters,

Part of my soul is in you.
Part of you is in my soul.
Humanity is part of many souls worldwide.

All people are human beings.
They are made of flesh and blood, just like me, just like everyone.
All people deserve human rights.

Today you are oppressed, but not for forever.
Soon or later, we will all be free.
Because they can break your legs, but never your soul. That's why they are bound to fail.

You must be brave people to want peace. Even facing such powerful enemies, you never give up. Nobody can put you on your knees.

To be a human is to refuse intimidation, don't matter how strong is the intimidator.

My blessings to all. You are not alone.

A World for Peace in 2003!!!

Best wishes from your everlasting brother-in-arts,




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