The Evanston City Council is considering a resolution that would oppose another war in Iraq. Evanston residents need to contact their ALderman by January 13th, 2003 and tell them to support this resolution.
Here is a flyer that N4P members will be handing out at Evanston's First Night celebration this evening:
Neighbors for Peace
Is an Evanston/Skokie/Rogers Park based group of grassroots peace activists that formed a few days after 9/11/01 with open meetings every week. We conduct vigils, demonstrations, town hall meetings, community forums, letter writing campaigns and much more. Our numbers are growing and our voices are being heard.
No War on Iraq
No Blood for Oil!
Iraq has not been linked to 911 There is no evidence that Suddam Hussein has provided chemical or biological weapons to Al-Qaeda or related terrorist groups There is no evidence that Iraq has stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction A doctrine of preemption would set a very dangerous precedent and undermine international law A war would cost billions of our money but benefit major U.S. corporations such as Boeing It could result in the destabilization of Iraq and the whole Middle East It would stir up more anti-American sentiment, which could result in more terrorists attacks It could be a disaster for America and the world, with many American soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians killed
Are you an Evanston resident opposed to another war with Iraq? Then we need your help!
The City Council is considering a resolution against this war, they may vote on it in early January 2003.
Contact your Alderman and tell them to support this resolution!
*** See our website for a draft of the resolution ***
Contact Info for Evanston Alderman
Ward Alderma E-mail Phone
1st ward Arthur B. Newman
abjnewman (at) *
2nd ward Lionel Jean-Baptiste
lioneljb (at) 424-0400
3rd Ward Melissa A. Wynne
engleman (at),
mwynne (at) 328-5651
4th Ward Steven J. Bernstein
Ald4th (at) 328-1181
5th Ward Joseph N. Kent
kentj (at) *
6th Ward Edmund B. Moran, Jr.
ebmoran (at) 312-408-1544
7th ward Stephen B. Engelman
sengelman (at) 328-1900, x110
8th Ward Ann Rainey
arainey (at) 475-2949
9th Ward Gene Feldman
feldmangene (at) 475-7306
* Only number given is City Managers Office: 847-866-2936
Remember to call or e-mail your
Alderman by Monday January 13th, 2003!