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U.S. Rep. Wants To Bring Back Draft
NEW YORK - Rep. Charles Rangel, a veteran of the Korean War, says he plans to introduce legislation to resume the military draft in the event of a war against Iraq.
In an opinion piece published in Tuesday's editions of The New York Times, the Democrat from New York said he would ask Congress next week to support his proposal.
Rangel said the prospect of a draft would make Congress less likely to support a war.
"I believe that if those calling for war knew their children were more likely to be required to serve and to be placed in harm's way there would be more caution and a greater willingness to work with the international community in dealing with Iraq," Rangel wrote.
Military service should be a "shared sacrifice" asked of all able young Americans, he said, noting that minorities make up a "disproportionate number" of enlisted members of the military.
"Service in our nation's armed forces is no longer a common experience," said Rangel, who voted against the congressional resolution authorizing President Bush (news - web sites) to use force against Iraq.
Rangel said his legislation would require "alternative national service" for people who are physically unable to serve and for those who refuse to serve for "reasons of conscience."
President Bush has said he doesn't intend to revive the draft, which ended in 1973.