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Important protest meeting

Important protest meeting: "Stop deportation of Róger Calero"
Friday, January 3, 2003 7 PM St. Pius Church (basement)
1919 S. Ashland Avenue in Chicago (Pilsen)
Important protest meeting: "Stop deportation of Róger Calero"
Friday, January 3, 2003 7 PM St. Pius Church (basement)
1919 S. Ashland Avenue in Chicago (Pilsen)

The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) is trying to deport Roger
Calero -- a permanent resident since 1990.

Roger Calero:
* is a former meat packer at Dakota Premium Foods in Minnesota where he
helped win union recognition;
* is an editor of Perspectiva Mundial and staff writer for the Militant, a
socialist newsweekly;
* was seized by the INS in Houston December 3 when returning from reporting
assignments in Mexico and Cuba, covering conferences on struggles of
working people against the deepening economic crisis.

Calero was released on parole December 13 after a flood of protest messages
and petitions to the INS. He now faces a March hearing that could result in
a deportation order. INS officials say he must be excluded due to a
conviction, while he was in high school, of selling an ounce of marajuana.
The INS waved this conviction in l990 when he was granted permanent
residence, and again in 2002 when his green card was renewed.

He is on a speaking tour of the United States, building support for his
fight and solidarizing with the many airport workers and others who also
face deportation.

To schedule a speaking engagement for Calero, to help with media work, or
for further information call (773) 737-1190. Also, for Roger Calero Defense
Committee materials, visit the web sites of the Militant or Perspectiva
Mundial ( and

Endorsers of the public meeting include Jose Oliva, Chicago Interfaith
Committee on Workers Issues, Jose Landaverde, Latino Union, Father Brendan
Curran, St Pius Parish, and others



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