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ALERT: Anti-Gay Bigot Fred Phelps Plans Pickets in Chicago Area

Targets Churches and School in South Suburbs
Counter-Protest Planned: 8 am this Sunday, 1/6/03
For those who know of him, "Rev." Fred Phelps is infamous for his vicious targeting of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transgendered people and our allies. For years he and his pathetic "congregation," comprised mostly of his family members, have picketed the funerals of people who died of AIDS with signs reading "God Hates Fags" and "Fags Die, God Laughs." In 1998 he got national press attention for picketing the funeral of Wyoming's Matthew Shepard with signs reading "Matt Shepard Burn in Hell."

Recently the Chicago Anti-Bashing Network (CABN) learned that Fred Phelps has decided to target Crete Monee School and LGBT-positive congregations near the school for picketing because students at the school picked a lesbian couple as the school's "cutest" for the school's yearbook. The students' action was at first opposed by school officials, but later endorsed by them following student protests.

As the only publicly acknowledged gay-friendly congregation near the Crete Monee School, the Unitarian-Universalist Community Church of Park Forest will apparently be the target of a Fred Phelps-led picket this Sunday during its services (Phelps has indicated he'll target the school on Monday, presumably during school hours). CABN and area residents who oppose Phelps' hate are mobilizing to be at the church at 8 am this Sunday to send a message of support to this congregation for their inclusive message to LGBT people.

We strongly urge all individuals and organizations who oppose anti-gay hate to join this non-violent demonstration against it. Some might suggest that we ignore Phelps and his ilk, but we know from past experience that Phelps' presence will draw press attention, and perhaps additional adherents--the question is whether voices OPPOSING his hate will be heard. CABN advocates confronting bigotry whenever it rears its ugly head. To ignore hate mongers like Phelps only emboldens them, while enhancing the isolation of the targets of hate, in this case LGBT persons and our supporters. It is always better to rally our community and our allies to confront bigots, thereby empowering ourselves and isolating the bigots from respectable society.

CABN is organizing car pooling from the city for the rally this Sunday. If you need a ride or can offer one, please call us at 773.878.3697, or send an e-mail to CABNstopthehate (at) and give us:

1. Your name,
2. Your phone number(s),
3. The best time(s) to call you,
4. The part of the city or suburbs you live in, and
5. Whether you need a ride or can give one. We will do our best to connect riders with drivers, and vice versa.

For those who wish to drive to the church themselves, here are driving directions from downtown Chicago:

1. Take the Dan Ryan Expressway south to I-57 (just past 95th Street)
2. Bear right and take I-57 south to Route 30/Lincoln Highway
3. Exit east on Route 30 and drive about 2-1/2 miles to Western Avenue
4. Turn right on Western, and go south past Sauk Trail Road and Steger Road
5. ½ mile past Steger, turn left on Sycamore Street
6. The parking lot for the Unitarian-Universalist Community Church is first the driveway on your right (70 Sycamore Street, Park Forest, IL).

For your own self-respect and that of our community, please join us in sending a strong message to counter Phelps' anti-gay hate and the violence it breeds!



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