Health benefits of protesting/striking/demonstrating include feeling a part of a community that last long after the event, reduced stress, long-standing euphoria
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
veracare (at)
I am happy to announce that a research study confirms my own experience ;)
Reuters reports: "Psychologists at the University of Sussex found that
people who get involved in campaigns, strikes and political demonstrations
an improvement in psychological well-being that can help them overcome
stress, pain, anxiety and depression."
Lilly, Pfizer, Glaxo...PhaRma watch out, the foundation underlying the
anxiety-depression Rx (prescription) is unhinging!
If you care about preserving your personal rights and the freedom to choose
whether to allow anyone to make money experimenting on your person, or to
have access to your DNA, join our efforts.
In 2003 The Alliance for Human Research Protection will be launching the
"Just Say No" campaign! Stay tuned for details.
Protesting May Be Good for Your Health
Mon December 23, 2002 11:02 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters Health) - Taking part in protests and demonstrations can be
good for your physical and mental health, a new British study suggests.
Psychologists at the University of Sussex found that people who get
involved in campaigns, strikes and political demonstrations experience an
in psychological well-being that can help them overcome stress, pain,
anxiety and depression.
The finding fits in with other studies suggesting that positive experiences
and feeling part of a group can have beneficial effects on health.
"Collective actions, such as protests, strikes, occupations and
demonstrations, are less common in the UK than they were perhaps 20 years
ago," researcher Dr. John Drury said in a statement.
"The take-home message from this research therefore might be that people
should get more involved in campaigns, struggles and social movements, not
only in the wider interest of social change but also for their own personal
The results emerged from in-depth interviews with nearly 40 activists from
a variety of backgrounds. Between them, they had more than 160 experiences
of collective action involving groups of demonstrators protesting against a
range of issues. These included fox-hunting, environmental damage and
industrial matters.
Volunteers were asked to describe what it was about taking part in such
collective action that made them feel to good.
"Many published activist accounts refer to feelings of encouragement and
confidence emerging from experiences of collective action," said Drury.
"But it is not always clear how and why such empowerment occurs, so we
aimed to
explain what factors within a collective action event contribute to such
He said the interviews revealed that the key factors were that participants
felt they had a collective identity with fellow protestors. They also
derived a sense of unity and mutual support from taking part.
Such was the strength of the feelings they experienced that the effects
appear to be sustained over a period of time.
"Empowering events were almost without exception described as joyous
occasions," said Drury. "Participants experienced a deep sense of happiness
and even euphoria in being involved in protest events. Simply recounting
the events in the interview brought a smile to the face of the interviewees."
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