...International Accords. Interview with Francoise Girard, senior program officer of the International Women's Health Coalition, conducted by Between The Lines'Melinda Tuhus.
White House Attack on Women's Reproductive Rights Undermines International Accords
Interview with Francoise Girard, senior program officer of the International Women's Health Coalition, conducted by Between The Lines'Melinda Tuhus
Since reinstating the global gag rule against abortion on his first day in office, President George W. Bush has been consistent in his administration's attack on women's reproductive rights, both at home and abroad. Critics characterize White House funding cuts, judicial appointments and opposition to previously agreed-to international conventions as "Bush's other war."
The latest example of this conflict could clearly be seen in U.S. policies at a meeting in Bangkok to work out details of the 10th year action plan on Population and Development, the blueprint for the next ten years for reproductive health in Asia and the Pacific. There the U.S. delegation announced its refusal to reaffirm the ground-breaking 1994 Cairo Program of Action, which the U.S. -- under the Clinton Administration -- was instrumental in writing and which promoted women's education, economic development, and reproductive rights.
Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Francoise Girard, senior program officer for Policy at the International Women's Health Coalition, based in New York City. She discusses the Bush administration's assault on women's reproductive rights and what groups and individuals can do to challenge these policies.
Call the International Women's Health Coalition at (212) 979-8500 or visit their Web site at
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