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Call for a Teaching Moratorium Against the War in Iraq
This is a newly originated call for a teaching moratorium against the war in Iraq. Please forward this message to anyone that you think might be sympathetic or interested in participating in such a moratorium. If you plan to participate in this moratorium or would like to receive materials and information for teach-ins, please send a message to
teachingmoratorium (at)
We, the undersigned students and faculty, resolve that on the two school days following the beginning of an unnecessary and unjustified bombing campaign or land invasion of Iraq, will hold a two day teaching moratorium. During this time only teach-ins debating the war and related foreign policy issues will be held. Through our actions we will create a space for dialogue and discussion for the diverse elements of civil society who are united in our skepticism of the necessity of such a war. Should such an attack occur during the winter recess the moratorium will take place on February 3rd and 4th, 2003.
Andrew Arato GF New School University
Vanessa Barker New York University
Aaron Biterman American University
David Graeber Yale University
Reha Kadakal Hunter College
Lauren Leve GF New School University
Peter McLaren University of California, Los Angeles
Eric David Peters University of Illinois-Chicago
Stevphen Shukaitis GF New School University