An updated encore presentation of KIDS AND CHEMICALS, the NOW report that investigates alarming new research on links between childhood illness and environmental contamination.
Dec 27, 9:00PM WTTW-Channel 11, Chicago
(Poster's Note: Looks like starting next week, Ch 11 plans to move Moyers NOW to 10PM -- which will be directly against the BBC news on Ch. 20-- hmmmm -- BBC World News isn't radical or progressive, but at least it bears more resemblance to news than the US networks' "happy talk" .... )
NOW with Bill Moyers
Friday, December 27, 2002 at 9pm on PBS
(Check local listings at
This week on NOW:
* Are we poisoning our children? An updated encore presentation of KIDS AND CHEMICALS, the NOW report that investigates alarming new research on links between childhood illness and environmental contamination.
It is a medical mystery marked urgent. Across America growing numbers of children are suffering from asthma, childhood cancers like leukemia, as well as learning and behavioral disabilities. NOW reports on new developments in a story so important that NOW devoted an entire broadcast to it earlier this year.
Are chemicals harming our kids? In the last 70 years, more than 75,000 synthetic chemicals and metals have been put to use in America. While in many cases they have made our lives better, most of them, believe it or not, have never been tested for their toxic effects on children. Equipped with new technology and more sophisticated analysis, scientists are asking disturbing questions about the health risks to children growing up exposed to an ever-increasing number of untested chemicals in our environment. KIDS AND CHEMICALS features medical investigators and health officials engaged in the latest research on links between childhood illness and environmental contamination, and looks at families around the country who are coping with the consequences to their children of potentially toxic exposures.
After this encore presentation, Bill Moyers reports on what has happened since the original broadcast of KIDS AND CHEMICALS.
Preview an exerpt from KIDS AND CHEMICALS:
(Requires RealPlayer, available at
NOW WITH BILL MOYERS continues online at ( Log on to the site to find updates on the CDC investigation in Fallon, Nevada and on the clean up at the Herculaneum facility of Doe Run; view a state-by-state map of environmental and children's health resources; use an environmental checklist for your home and your neighborhood and learn how to spot potential dangers; and more.