I was looking at these poll questions from the augusta chronicle.. i saw it on indymedia.
the questions have to do with the amount of shopping done this holiday, whether to travel this years holidays, whether the country's blood supply is safe, whether one is supertitious, and whether or not one supports the war on Iraq.
mosts economists link the pending war with the slowdown of the economy, even prominent ones. they are advising the president to abstain from attacking iraq. people are indicating unease about the economy due to the likely attack on iraq.
i think it's interesting, the interplay in mind between the issues raised by these questions.
i am one who thinks there is a slight chance this attack could be averted. george bush represents what i like to call the 'Severe Minority'. I call them that because everything about them is severe, from their numbers to their greed, to their tactics to their souls. they are indeed severe to the rest of the planet in many ways.
in spite of this, due to the overwhelming problem bush is having finding support, he might be stopped yet.
my point is... let's watch and see what happens if there is a 'severe' attack on iraq. let's see if there is not an artificial boom in the economy when it happens. the Severe ones have the means to do this, they hold most of the resources and money. let's see if they don't create an upward flux in hiring and manufacturing by rehiring a percentage of the layoffs of the past few years and opening up factories again, in order to create a swell of support for the severe position. let's watch car deals and housing rates.
this usually happens when there is a major war, out of production necessity, but let's really watch that and see how broad the market reaction is. even outside the sectors of the war machine.
i don't think the poll questions were placed randomly at all.