On December 24, Christmas Eve day, over 50 members of Northwest Suburban SUSTAIN (Stop U.S. Tax-Funded Aid To Israel Now!) and local faith communities conducted a vigil
for peace and an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Yesterday on Chrismas Eve day, over fifty activists from
Northwest Suburban SUSTAIN (Stop U.S. Tax-Funded Aid To Israel Now!) and local faith communities participated in a two hour vigil in northwest suburban Palatine. Posters
demanded No Blood for Oil!,End the Occupation, Stop U.S. Tax-Funded Aid To Israel Now!), Defend Civil Liberties! and
Santa Wants Peace. Those lining the north side of Northwest
Highway ranged in age from 83 down to grade school age with
a strong showing from Palatine High School. Despite the cold
weather, the protesters were warmed by the "SUSTAIN Holiday Chorus" which performed anti-war songs set to traditional Christmas carols. Several of those in the vigil were from
Holy Family Catholic Church, Countryside Unitarian Church,
St. Theresa Catholic Church and other local faith communities. Juxtaposed to this vigil for peace and justice,
a Caterpillar tractor sat silently on the opposite side of
Northwest Highway. As many of you are aware SUSTAIN and other organizations have launched a campaign against the Caterpillar corporation because the Israeli Occupation Forces use D9 bulldozers for the demolition of Palestian homes. Further information on the campaign against Caterpillar can be found at:
The Christmas Eve vigil was the second direct action staged by Northwest Suburban SUSTAIN and the group has issued a call for their members to participate in the Emergency Midwest Mobilization to Stop the War on Iraq scheduled for
January 11th in Chicago. The January 11th action will begin
at 12 noon at Federal Plaza. In mid-August the group was formed and the members voted to join the Chicago Coalition
Against War And Racism.
The group will conduct some planning meetings during January
and the next public meeting will be held on February 18th at the Palatine Public Library. The February 18th event is titled "Eyewitness to Terror: A Report Back from Palestine."
More information on the speakers and program will be announced in mid-January.
No U.S. attack on Iraq! End the occupation! No blood for oil!