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An effective way to stop the war.
There is a very effective way of bringing Bush's war plans to a screeching halt: A GENERAL STRIKE OF THE ENTIRE WORKFORCE IN THE USA. If everyone who feels that their voice is not being heard; who feels that the media is mostly nothing but pro-war propaganda; who feels that demonstrations,letters, petitions,are ignored and ineffective; in short, if everyone who feels that this is not their war, participated in a GENERAL STRIKE on Martin Luther King Day, there would be no war!! Let your employers know that on that day, you will be busy with taking back your country. One single demand: NO WAR IN IRAQ! The power generated by such a STRIKE could be extended to bring this Coup to an end. The time is NOW folks!! There is about a month left to spread the word. This requires no organizing, no central committee, no meetings; just a committment to do something you know is effective. Don't wait for someone else to do it: start talking, putting up signs, e-mailing, NOW!!