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Update: Iraq Peace Team & Response to the Treasury Department

we will be working through the coming weeks to strengthen our efforts [by Iraq Peace Team and Voices in the Wilderness]... We must continue to take risks for peace. Thank you so much for standing together...
Subj: Voices Update
Date: 12/21/2002
From: info (at)

Dear friends,

As many of us prepare for the holidays, we are painfully aware that the Bush administration will likely use this time to exploit their war effort. It is hard to celebrate the birth of a new world when actions are being taken to destroy this one, so we will be working through the coming weeks to strengthen our efforts - our office will remain open everyday.

1) The Iraq Peace Team - There are now over 50 Americans and internationals in Iraq with the Iraq Peace Team. Delegations will be departing December 26th, January 5th, January 18th and January 30th. There will be more delegations added soon. For more information, recent writing from IPT members in Iraq, and applications, please visit Delegates continue to return and are speaking across the nation... an updated list is located at

2) Response to the Treasury Department - You can sign on to break sanctions with us at Please print out the document, sign it and send to the Voices in the Wilderness office.

Your response has been incredible! Over 100 people who have traveled to Iraq have signed on to continue to work against sanctions and war. Hundreds of others have sent their name along with donations and medicine, and the list is growing daily.

We will be announcing the signers at a press conference in Washington DC on January 16th, 2002, 12 years since the first Gulf War, and a date possibly close to the next one. We will also undertake creative actions in DC and elsewhere on this date, which we invite you to join. Further information will follow in emails and will be posted at

We must continue to take risks for peace. Thank you so much for standing together - hope exists because so many people around the world will not let this war happen in their name.

In peace and gratitude
with voices in the wilderness

Voices in the Wilderness
1460 West Carmen Ave
Chicago IL 60640



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