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Boycott Sponsors Of Rush Limbaugh

Tell Rush Sponsors you've had ENOUGH disinformation and hate!

Tell Rush Sponsors you've had ENOUGH disinformation and hate!

In direct opposition to the growing anti-war movement, Rush Limbaugh has stepped up his trademark misinformation and out-right lies in an attempt to hijack the public's perception of Americas increasing militarism. There is therefore, an urgent need for people of conscience to strongly oppose the spreading of fear and bloodlust to the minds of millions of Americans on a daily basis.

By contacting and boycotting his advertisers, we can make it known to the likes of Rush Limbaugh, that those who advocate the sacrifice of innocent lives for the benefit of a wealthy few, will not go unchallenged.


Limbaugh's advertisers are listed below.
Please contact them by phone, mail or email to express your outrage at Limbaugh's warmongering.

Then boycott any products or services sold by his advertisers and pass the message on.


Rush Limbaugh Sponsors:

AutoZone Inc.
Steve Odland, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer
P.O. Box 2198
Memphis, TN 38101
Phone (901) 495-7185
Fax (901) 495-8374
investor.relations (at)

Bose Corporation, MS 2C2
The Mountain
Framingham, MA 01701
Phone: 508-766-7781
These two people are in public relations at Bose:
carolyn_cinotti (at)
joanne_berthiaume (at)

Mission Pharmacal Company
10999 IH-10 West Suite 1000
San Antonio, TX 78230
Telephone: (800) 531-3333

General Steel Metal Buildings
1075 South Yukon, Ste. 250
Lakewood, Colorado 80226
Toll Free: 1-888-98-STEEL
Phone: 303-904-4837
Fax: 303-979-0084

Life Quotes, Inc.
Kenneth L. Manley
32045 Castle Court
Evergreen, CO 80439

Red Lobster
P.O. Box 593330
Orlando, FL 32859-3330

Select Comfort Corporation
6105 Trenton Lane N
Minneapolis, MN 55442
Phone: 763-551-7000
Fax: 763-551-7826
investorrelations (at)

Scottrade Inc
Rodger O. Riney, President
12855 Flushing Meadows Drive
Saint Louis, MO 63131
support (at)


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