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United For Peace March Down Michigan Avenue pt.1

Photographs from Sunday evening's United for Peace March down Michigan Avenue. The Ecumenical event drew upwards of 2000 people and marks a furthur unification of the Chicago churches voicing opposition to the war of Iraq. (article 5)
Sunday evening saw the furthur progression of the Chicago faith community uniting against the war on Iraq. The event began with an Ecumenical prayer service inside of St. James Episcopal Cathedral which holds over 700 people, while around 600 rallied outside. After the prayer service a march was made down the Magnificient Mile of Michigan Avenue where shoppers found themselves confronted with songs of peace. I saw little or no negative responses and would be keen to know other participant's experiences.
People were still leaving the Cathedral for some time after the first few hundred had arrived at the Tribune Plaza. The candlelit march had also swelled to estimates of 1800-2000 participants. Also participating were groups such as Chicago Peace Response, American Friends Service Committee, Chicagoans Against War and other folks not so faith based. If I left your group out, or if you're not with a group, feel free to add yourself through the comment function. paz



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