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Sisters of Charity Peace Picket

The Sisters of Charity added to the long list of anti-war activities this weekend with a prayer service and picket on Sheridan Road by Loyola University.
The Sisters of Charity added to the long list of anti-war activities this weekend with a prayer service and picket on Sheridan Road by Loyola University. About 40 people came out in total to receive many honks of approval from passing traffic. At the midway point a police officer came along to tell everyone that as a permit was not obtained they would have to be walking. Though it seemed silly in light of there being no foot-traffic. None the less, people carried on.
Many of the folks present were retired nuns of the Sisters of Charity, but there were some neighborhood people as well. One man I talked to said he had not had the time in his busy life to actively oppose the war as much as he would like, but because this was very near his home he has been able to come out the first time. He also noticed that there is a lot more popular sentiment against this war than during the Viet Nam war "in which you could get beat up by construction workers".
The Sisters of Charity were mostly a teaching order, though they have lost many of their schools. At the time, during the 30's, the order felt they could do a lot to bring about social justice through education because most people had only a 6th grade education. Now the order still works on a broad range of contemporary social justice issues, such as HIV/AIDS care. The retired Sister with whom I talked said that they work to meet the need of the time, that they are God's volunteers and work without pay.
Tea, coffee and cookies were served afterwards.



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