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On Thursday, Dec. 12 at 7 pm. at the Hothouse, 31 E. Balbo, there will be a presentation by Luis Fernandes, Brazilian left activist, on the significance of the election of Luis Inacio Lula da Silva as president of Brazil for the Brazilian and US peoples.
On Thursday, Dec. 12 from 7-9 PM. there will be a presentation entitled BRAZIL TURNS LEFT: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LULA'S ELECTORAL VICTORY, at the Hothouse, 31 E. Balbo, Chicago, donation $5 or $2 for students, seniors and unemployed.
The speaker is LUIS FERNANDES, director of the Rio de Jainerio State Government Endowment for Scentific and Technical Research. Fernandes was a student activist in the struggle to overthrow the former military dictatorship, and is a member of the International Commission of the Communist Party of Brazil (Partido Comunista do Brazil), part of Lula's electoral coalition.
Question to be addressed by this PEOPLE'S WEEKLY WORLD FORUM include:
*What does Lula's victory mean for Brazil, for the US people and for the future of the Free Trade Area of the Americas, neo-liberalism and corporate globalization?
*What alliances and strategies made Lula's vicotyr possible?
*What is the road ahead.
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For more information call 312 842 5665