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Federal Plaza Peace Action Photo Essay pt.1
This is part one of a two part photo-essay on todays anti-war action at the Federal Plaza in Chicago. (article 7)
There are articles on this action that provide what couldn't be said by words. Hopefully these pictures will help convey what couldn't be said in words.
Here are my captions to pictures.
1. Well, if you didn't know this is the Federal Plaza with
Picasso's controversial sculpture. I felt a certain comraderie with the presence of the statue on the level of who Picasso was. I thought of his Guernica painting done in response to the carpet bombing of the city. The first of such bombings in history. Apparently not the last. I also drew a humor that some of the folks inside the Federal Building thought we were about as far out as the statue.
2. Laurel Severn of American Friends Service Committee talking to folks signing the Iraq Peace Pledge. The Iraq Peace Pledge has received a very good response from the general public who don't know the first step of what to do against Bush's war.
3. A nice full size paper mache'
4. Committed cyclist. It was cold in the morning. But also committed that he's not burning gas. One way to remove the Oil Industry's power over the Iraqi people is for us to stop giving them our money. At least as little as possible.
5. A tremendous singer, a caring and dedicated person. Forgive me, his name slips my mind.
6. Some signs. That you can only put so many words on your poster can make you think how small you are. Yet which of us will be the straw to break the camel's back. The whole butterfly flapping it's wing thing.
7. Two dead women. I remember going to a School of the Americas Watch die-in at the Pentagon in the spring of 2001.
Part 2 is the second half. Thanks.