Frustrated, feel you can't affect stopping this war. Well here's something that you CAN do. To date, 16 American cities have passed Anti-War Resolutions. Chicago could be next! Contact info below, save, and call and/or write. NOW!
Save and ACT!
You are asking the aldermen to have CHICAGO PASS AN ANTI WAR RESOLUTION similiar to the ones already passed by:
Washington, DC; Seattle, Washington; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Takoma
Park, Maryland; Santa Cruz, California; Ithaca, New York; Santa Fe, New Mexico; Danby, New York; Sebastopol, California; New Haven, Connecticut; Kalamazoo, Michigan; Oakland, California; Carrboro, North Carolina; Haines
Township, Pennsylvania, Madison, Wisconsin;
with resolutions pending in Arcada, California; and Baltimore, Maryland, and Saint Petersburg, Florida
Call and/or write. E-mail is easy. To e-mail EVERY alderman, just change the number of the e-mail address (from 1 to 50 ). Example: for ward #1 write to:
ward1 (at) for Ward #2 write to
ward2 (at) (by pressing the back button on your email, you can go back to your letter, and just put in the next number and send and then go back again, change the number and send, etc (( from 1 to 50)).
Ward Alderman Address Telephone Number
1 Jesse D. Granato 1951 W. Division - 60622 773-252-0371
2 Madeline Haithcock 449 E. 35th St. - 60616 773-924-0014
3 Dorothy Tillman 4645 S. King Drive - 60653 773-373-3228
4 Toni Preckwinkle 4646 S. Drexel Av. - 60653 773-536-8103
5 Leslie Hairston 1900 E. 71st St. - 60649 773-324-5555
6 Freddrenna Lyle 406 E. 75th St. - 60619 773-846-7006
7 William Beavers 2552 E. 79th St. - 60649 773-731-1515
8 Lorraine Dixon 8539 S. Cottage Grove - 60619 773-874-3300
9 Anthony Beale N/A N/A
10 John A. Pope 3522 E. 106th Street - 60617 773-721-1999
11 James A. Balcer 3659 S. Halsted St. - 60609 773-254-6677
12 Ray Frias 2456 W. 38th St. - 60632 773-254-4600
13 Frank Olivo 6500 S. Pulaski Rd. - 60629 773-581-8000
14 Edward M. Burke 2650 W. 51st St. - 60632 773-471-1414
15 Theodore Thomas 2440 W. 63rd St. - 60629 773-778-9609
16 Shirley Coleman 1249 W. 63rd St. - 60636 773-918-1670
17 Terry Peterson 7811 S. Racine Av. - 60620 773-723-0908
18 Thomas W. Murphy 8146 S. Kedzie Av. - 60652 773-471-1991
19 Virginia A. Rugai 10231 S. Western Av. - 60643 773-238-8766
20 Arenda Troutman 366 E. 63rd St. - 60637 773-324-5224
21 Leonard DeVille 1125 W. 95th.St. - 60643 312-779-3000
22 Ricardo Munoz 2500 S. St. Louis Av. - 60623 773-762-1771
23 Michael R. Zalewski 5838 S. Archer Av. - 60638 773-582-7323
24 Michael D. Chandler 4325 W. Roosevelt Rd. - 60624 773-522-2400
25 Daniel Solis 1939 S. Halsted St. - 60608 312-829-2555
26 Billy Ocasio 3181 N Elston Av. - 60618 773-478-4166
27 Walter Burnett, Jr. 2009 W. Grand Av. - 60612 312-432-1995
28 Ed H. Smith 118 N. Pulaski St. - 60624 773-533-0900
29 Isaac S. Carothers 5937 W. Madison St. - 60644 773-261-4646
30 Michael A. Wojcik 3616 N. Pulaski Rd. - 60641 773-794-3095
31 Ray Suarez 4502 W. Fullerton Av. - 60639 773-486-6488
32 Theodore Matlak 2148 N. Damen Av. - 60647 773-384-3011
33 Richard F. Mell 3649 N. Kedzie Av. - 60618 773-478-8040
34 Carrie Austin 507 W. 111th St. - 60628 773-928-6961
35 Vilma Colom 2535 N. Kedzie Av. - 60647 773-276-3535
36 William J.P. Banks 6839 W. Belmont Av. - 60634 773-622-3232
37 Emma Mitts 5346 W. North Av. - 60639 773-622-9863
38 Thomas R. Allen 5817 W. Irving Park Rd. - 60634 773-237-0900
39 Margaret C. Laurino 4404 W. Lawrence Av. - 60630 773-736-5594
40 Patrick J. O'Connor 5850 N. Lincoln Av. - 60659 773-769-1140
41 Brian Doherty 6650 N. Northwest Hwy. - 60631 773-792-1991
42 Burton F. Natarus 121 N. LaSalle St. - 60602 312-744-3062
43 Vi Daley 735 W Wrightwood Av. - 60614 773-327-9111
44 Bernard J. Hansen 1057 W. Belmont Av. - 60657 773-525-6034
45 Patrick J. Levar 4849 N. Milwaukee Av. - 60630 773-545-2545
46 Helen Shiller 4544 N. Broadway Av.- 60640 773-878-4646
47 Eugene C. Schulter 4237 N. Lincoln Av. - 60618 773-348-8400
48 Mary Ann Smith 5533 N. Broadway Av. - 60640 773-784-5277
49 Joseph A. Moore 7356 N. Greenview Av. - 60626 773-338-5796
50 Bernard L. Stone 7344 N. Western Av. -- 60645 773-764-5050
*Pending approval by the City Council