Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

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Friday, November 29th, 12 noon at Daley Plaza
Be sure to tell friends and family of this important event - it's a great way to expose newly veggie or animal-issue sympathetic people to an important issue (especially when you consider that Chicago is one of the top fur markets in the country).  The animals have no voice of their own and need as many of us as possible to be out fighting on their behalf!  Mark your calendars and take an hour or two the day after Thanksgiving to speak out for compassion before fashion at Fur Free Friday 2002!
Friday, November 29th, 12 noon at Daley Plaza
Be sure to tell friends and family of this important event - it's a great way to expose newly veggie or animal-issue sympathetic people to an important issue (especially when you consider that Chicago is one of the top fur markets in the country).  The animals have no voice of their own and need as many of us as possible to be out fighting on their behalf!  Mark your calendars and take an hour or two the day after Thanksgiving to speak out for compassion before fashion at Fur Free Friday 2002!

The Animal Defense League (ADL) is an internationally active grassroots animal rights organization working to inform the public about animal exploitation and abuse.   Through community outreach, networking, public education, vocal demonstrations and civil disobedience, we speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.   We welcome anyone who shares
our beliefs to join or support the Animal Defense League.  

This list will be used for announcing upcoming events for the Chicago chapter of the Animal Defense League.   If you are interested in receiving these weekly notices, please subscribe!  
To contact Animal Defense League - Chicago, please email ADLChicago (at)   Thanks!



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