"Truth: Exposing Israeli Apartheid"
a documentary by Wendy Campbell
This film, completed on July 4, 2000, proves beyond a doubt that Israel is not the democracy it claims to be. In fact, in the words of a Refusenik, an Israeli soldier who refuses to serve in the Occupied Territories, Israel "is a racist, anti-democratic, apartheid regime." You will see with your own eyes the severe apartheid conditions forced on the Palestinians throughout the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Penny Rosenwasser of the Middle East Children's Alliance explains and shows what living under the Occupation is like against the backdrop of her poignant images of the Palestinian people caught in the throes of a brutal military occupation. Adam Shapiro of the International Solidarity Movement explains why he does what he does, sometimes even acting as a "human shield" for Palestinians. Wendy Campbell also provides some historical background as well as ideas for implementing a solution, which she believes is one country, Palestine-Israel, secular and democratic, with completely equal rights for all, including all 5 million Palestinian refugees, who must be allowed their right to return to their ancestral homeland, according to UN Resolutions, international law and world opinion. Footage from rallies in San Francisco and Berkeley are also included highlighting the growing pro-Palestinian peace & justice movement in America.
© 2002, 58 mins
Also available:
"Washington: Israel's most important Occupied Territory"
A Lecture by Jeffrey Blankfort
a documentary by Wendy Campbell
Jeffrey Blankfort speaks authoritatively and boldly about the enormously influential role of Jewish lobby groups such as AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) and Jewish "think-tanks" such as JINSA (Jewish Institute on National Security Affairs) on manipulating and controlling US foreign policy, especially with regards to the Middle East. While many are overly sensitive about fears of appearing "anti-Semitic" by exposing the roles of such groups, Jeffrey Blankfort goes so far as to assert that what is happening actually makes "the Protocols of the Elders of Zion look like the funny papers". He refers to the Democratic party as a "wholly owned subsidiary" of the Jewish lobby groups, otherwise simply known as "The Lobby". Interestingly, Mr. Blankfort recently successfully sued the ADL, for illegally spying on him. Although Mr. Blankfort is Jewish, he does not consider himself a Zionist, and he is against the idea of a Jewish supremacist state where the indigenous people are being ethnically cleansed as is and has been happening in Israel since the day it was created unilaterally by the UN. Mr. Blankfort gives ample "provable" evidence of the influence of the Jewish lobby groups and think-tanks, providing many details, incidents, names and roles of the players throughout the past decades up until the present time. A must see for those who want the truth about US foreign policy in the Middle East.
© 2002, 30 mins
If you would like to purchase either of these films, please send $20 (or $30 Euro or Canadian) each with check payable to Wendy Campbell or cash to: Wendy Campbell, PO Box 10458, Oakland, CA 94610 USA (Shipping & Handling is included in price.)
Further info available at :
truthaboutisrael (at) earthlink.net