The working name of this group is the Chicago Progressive Media Working Group. Its main focus is in regular systematic monitoring of mainstream broadcast and print news, but with a particular focus on Chicago outlets (for example, the Tribune, the Sun-Times, the local network news affiliates). The Working Group also intends to bring direct action to bear, including protest, in activist efforts to improve the media climate in Chicago.
The Working Group and its plans are still very much in formation, with a number of tentative planned activites. One such plan is to monitor coverage of mainstream coverage of news in Chicago, to confirm or refute the FCC's recently released study on local news coverage. (This study is part of an effort to remove the last ownership restrictions on media properties; finding evidence to question the validity of the studies may aid in protecting those ownership restrictions.)
The Working Group intends to establish a mailing list and website (details forthcoming), and plans are even afoot to establish a regular television show about the media on CAN-TV. The goal of the group: to become the premiere progressive-oriented media activist group in the country, and to shape the media in Chicago and elsewhere in a postive direction.
The next planned meeting time for the Working Group is Sunday, November 24, at 1 PM, at the Chicago Independent Media Center's offices, 3411 W. Diversey.
If you have any questions about the Working Group, please email msszczep (at)">msszczep (at)
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