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Boycott Salvation Army Bigots!!!

Boycott the Salvation Army by turning your holiday donations away from them until they stop their bigotry against gays and lesbians.
Oppose Salvation Army Anti-Gay Hate! PROTEST!
The day after Thanksgiving - Friday, 11/29

The Salvation Army:

* Fires employees for being Gay;

* Denies equal employment benefits to Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual employees, and denies equal employment opportunities and pay for women;

* Justifies this discrimination by reference to the most backward interpretations of Christianity, citing "our Biblical and traditional position" against Lesbians, Gays and unmarried couples, according to Commissioner Lawrence Moretz of the Chicago Salvation Army; and

* Receives government funding - our tax dollars - while discriminating against us.

Protest the Salvation Army's collection of money to fund this hate. Rally at 12 noon on the busiest shopping day of the year, the day after Thanksgiving, at the corner of State & Randolph Streets, Chicago.

This protest is sponsored by the Chicago Anti-Bashing Network. We urge everyone to STOP giving to the Salvation Army, and INSTEAD give their charitable dollars to organizations which don't discriminate. Such agencies include:

* The Howard Brown Health Center, which provides free or low-cost medical care to the LGBT community. Send checks to HBHC at 4025 N. Sheridan, Chicago, IL 60657, or patronize one of the Brown Elephant Resale Stores: 5228
N. Clark, 3939 N. Ashland, or 3651 N. Halsted, all in Chicago (773.388.1600).

* Open Hand Chicago, which provides "meals on wheels" for people with AIDS.
Send checks to 1648 W. Howard, Chicago, IL 60626(773.665.1000).

* GoodWill Industries of Metropolitan Chicago, Inc, which provides free job training and job placement for low-income individuals. Send checks to 1001 W. Van Buren, Chicago, IL 60607-2900 (312.491.2900).

* The Council for Jewish Elderly, 3003 W. Touhy, Chicago 60645(773.308.1000).

Protest organized by the Chicago Anti-Bashing Network. Call 888.471.0874 or e-mail CABNstopthehate (at) if you would like to help organize for the protest.



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