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Veterans: A Challenge to Take The Drive

Our Founding Fathers knew it was possible that the institutions of Congress and the Courts (i.e., our political and judicial systems) might someday begin to falter in their duty to protect the People.

This was why they resoundingly -- and without limit -- specifically reiterated the Right to petition for redress of grievances in the First Amendment. This right, the cornerstone of popular sovereignty, gave the People the ability to bypass the judicial, elective, and legislative processes in order to secure redress when the fundamental rights of liberty are violated.

We have clearly reached such a point.

Veterans: A Challenge to Take The Drive And A Letter From General Ray Davis.

Monday is Veteran's Day. A day to remember Freedom and what it costs to defend it.

Veterans, particularly veterans of foreign conflicts, know too well the true price of keeping the flame of liberty alive and how the road to tyranny is paved in countries where violent actions must be undertaken in the defense of liberty. You are the ones that have taken the oath to defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Our Founding Fathers knew it was possible that the institutions of Congress and the Courts (i.e., our political and judicial systems) might someday begin to falter in their duty to protect the People.

This was why they resoundingly -- and without limit -- specifically reiterated the Right to petition for redress of grievances in the First Amendment. This right, the cornerstone of popular sovereignty, gave the People the ability to bypass the judicial, elective, and legislative processes in order to secure redress when the fundamental rights of liberty are violated.

We have clearly reached such a point.

This Foundation has made every effort to expose these raw acts of despotism and educate our nation about them. We have orchestrated the repeated submission of proper petitions of redress to the government, each of which has been summarily ignored.

On Veteran's Day, we ask you to consider the full meaning of the oath you took and to ponder, just for a moment, what actions you would personally take if a foreign, hostile force landed on our shores.

There would be NO question as to what you would do.

This Thursday brings the Moment of Truth to this nation. We will know whether we have a government that abides by a Constitution or not. We will know whether we have a domestic enemy or not.

We urge all veterans to join the Freedom Drive, get to DC this Thursday and stand together with those of this nation that know that this Republic, our Constitution and our very freedoms are under attack. Tell the government: We The People will defend our rights and restore our Constitution.

Please review the letter written early this year by retired General Raymond Davis in support of this cause. The most highly decorated living veteran of this nation has thrown his personal support behind the non-violent exercise of our right to petition. Will you?



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