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The end of the UN

Today's decision by the Security Council November 8th 2002 marks the end of the UN organisation as a body committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes formally predicated upon respect for state sovereignty, including respect for the territorial integrity of member states.
-----Original Message-----
From: Miroslav Antic [mailto:miroslav (at)]
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 4:02 PM
Cc: Hydro
Subject: The end of the UN

Statement from CANA Christians Against Nato Aggression UK
re the Security Council decision in respect to Iraq

Today's decision by the Security Council November 8th 2002 marks the end of the UN organisation as a body committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes formally predicated upon respect for state sovereignty, including respect for the territorial integrity of member states.

As the old League of Nations was destroyed by the fascist regimes walking out of it, so its successor is now defunct on the basis of the US & UK staying in it.

The diktat now inflicted upon Iraq will probably not be resisted.

Iraq has no choice other than to accept what is a new form of colonialism.

But acceptance of the diktat is very unlikely to save Iraq from massive bombing.

Bombing is what the Americans like to do.

The Amerians have become the enemies of world peace.

In a unipolar world their notion of diplomacy is merely to bully & bribe.

America now has no friends & consists of a public ignorant of foreign affairs & kept in ignorance by a US media which consciously & consistently misrepresents the facts in respect to international situations.

Curses against America are not loud, but deep, & they are also universal.

There is a long list of countries which have been forced to capitulate before US power, including Haiti & Yugoslavia.

Today's decision of the Security Council will not add to US security.

During the past few days various appeals have been addressed by NGO's, including CANA UK, to the Governments of the members of the UN Security Council, asking them to resist US pressure.

We regret these appeals have been ignored - that countries like Norway & Ireland have chosen to vote against the rights of small countries & for the destruction of the ideals of the UN.

We regret that France has chosen to concede world hegemony to the Anglo-Saxons, & that Russia & China have once again run away from their international obligations.

Today marks the formal end of the United Nations & of the system of international law enshrined in its now defunct Charter.




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