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Rick Stanley ON POINT with The Rockey Mountain News

You see, all of this is government outside the boundaries of what America stands for: The U.S. Constitution. The ideas embodied in this document, and the Declaration of Independence, are what makes this nation uniquely American. "We the People" are merely the guardians and defenders of these documents from the tyranny of government abuse.
November 8, 2002

Letter to the Editor

Regarding "mercifully wrong" in the ON POINT Column of the Rocky Mountain News:

You are correct on one point, in this column. Stanley is no ordinary libertarian. This libertarian doesn’t just do lip service to defending the U.S. Constitution, including the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. I was arrested twice, for purposely doing acts of civil disobedience in Denver and Thornton, by peacefully and openly holstering a loaded weapon, which according to President Bush, Attorney General Aschroft, The U.S. Constitution, the State Constitution and the U.S. Appeals Court all affirm my guaranteed right to engage in keeping and bearing arms.

My third arrest, was by Denver after a speech at the state capitol by Stanley, during another Bill of Rights rally, which was according to the police and the Denver court, a clerical error resulting in a bench warrant for Stanley. Imagine that, another act of tyranny by government.

You see, all of this is government outside the boundaries of what America stands for: The U.S. Constitution. The ideas embodied in this document, and the Declaration of Independence, are what makes this nation uniquely American. "We the People" are merely the guardians and defenders of these documents from the tyranny of government abuse.

The Media and the Libertarian Party, used dishonest character assassination techniques to destroy the Stanley campaign. However, the message of this DEFENDER OF LIBERTY, WILL NOT be destroyed by the likes of you, or uncommitted Americans. You see, I don’t care whether 99% or 1% of anyone, thinks highly of me in a popularity contest. I am a PATRIOT for the Constitution. The media sold out America and the U.S. Constitution, long ago. So when the media raps me, it is just one more badge of honor, integrity, and commitment, which you wouldn’t understand.

Rick Stanley

Defender of the Constitution

Liberty Activist/Organizer

"The plain meaning of the right of the people to keep arms is that it is an individual, rather than a collective, right and is not limited to keeping arms while engaged in active military service or as a member of a select militia such as the National Guard." U.S. vs. Emerson, 5th Circuit Federal Court, published October 16, 2001



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