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Woman's Life-long Economic Parasitism Has Blurred Her Meaning of Equality
From Emma Goldman's book "Anarchism"
"Woman's narrow view of human affairs is not the only argument against her as a politician. There are others. Her life-long economic parasitism has blurred her conception of the meaning of equality. She craves equal rights with man, but few women care to canvas in undesirable districts."
"Woman's narrow view of human affairs is not the only argument against her as a politician. There are others. Her life-long economic parasitism has blurred her conception of the meaning of equality. She craves equal rights with man, but few women care to canvas in undesirable districts."
"If for no other reason, woman's narrrow and purist attitude toward life makes her a greater danger to liberty wherever she has poltical power".
Religion, especially the Christian religion, has condemned woman to the life of an inferior a slave."