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SANE MAINE referendum/elections

at best we have 1 state left where people aren't all paranoid and scared and remember what's important. Cable tv is now available there.. so we'll see how long they can hold out.
Little something about sane Maine:

at best we have 1 state left where people
aren't all paranoid and scared and remember
what's important. Cable tv is now available there..
so we'll see how long they can hold out.

Baldacci (D) wins Mansion, all others hold

Nov. 5th Bond Issues & Referendum

Question 1: Bond Issue: Voted DOWN

Do you favor a $25,000,000 bond issue to
raise funds to build a new correctional
facility in Machias and to make improvements
to the Maine Correctional Center in South
Windham? NO.

Question 2: Bond Issue: Voted UP

Do you favor a $24,100,000 bond issue for
the following purposes:

1. The sum of $5,000,000 to construct
and upgrade water pollution control
facilities, providing the state match for
$12,500,000 in federal funds;

2. The sum of $1,000,000 to protect
public health, safety and the environment by
providing funds to remove overboard discharges;

3. The sum of $7,000,000 to make
renovations and enhance wastewater treatment
at the Department of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife's fish-rearing facilities;

4. The sum of $1,000,000 to protect
public health, safety and the environment by
providing funds to remove and replace
failing septic systems;

5. The sum of $1,000,000 to clean up
uncontrolled hazardous substance sites;

6. The sum of $500,000 to remediate
solid waste landfills;

7. The sum of $500,000 to clean up
tire stockpiles;

8. The sum of $500,000 to provide
funds for the Dam Repair and Reconstruction
Fund and the renovation of and capital
repairs and improvements to locks under the
control of the Bureau of Parks and Lands;

9. The sum of $1,800,000 to support
drinking water system improvements that
address public health threats, providing the
state match for $6,000,000 in federal funds;

10. The sum of $2,300,000 to acquire
the technology and services required to
establish an Internet-based Maine public
library of geographic data, to improve
citizens' access to public geographic data,
to make grants to municipalities for
voluntary automation of parcel and zoning
maps to uniform standards, to provide the
state match for at least $1,600,000 in
federal funds and to participate in
intergovernmental data development agreements;

11. The sum of $1,500,000 to support
household hazardous waste collection and
public recycling;

12. The sum of $1,000,000 to construct
new or retrofit existing pollution control
structures on Maine farms to protect the

13. The sum of $500,000 to construct
environmentally sound water sources that
help avoid drought damage to crops; and

*****14. The sum of $500,000 to
recapitalize the Potato Marketing
Improvement Fund? YES to ALL 14.

power to the potato



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