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Wear a red ribbon to show you refuse to add to the bloodshed, you will not cause the innocent to fear. To show you wont hate because of race or religion. To show you will not support Bushs war on Iraq.
Wear a red ribbon to show you refuse to add to the bloodshed, you will not cause the innocent to fear. To show you wont hate because of race or religion. To show you will not support Bushs war on Iraq. To show that you dont support police, or government agents terrorizing people in their homes. Let it be known to all, why you wear a red ribbon. Let a red ribbon show Muslims in our community that you do not blame all for the actions of a few. Muslim women in the community are becoming reluctant to go to the shops, or send their children to school, let a red ribbon signify that you will not attack them. Our communities are being destroyed by religionist and racist, government propaganda, and we are losing the very things that make our countries so great. Not all of us are able to attend protests, but we can all wear a red ribbon. Let our governments see a river of red ribbons and maybe prevent rivers of blood.